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Posts posted by Tyke

  1. All I have been told is that it is the A3 model possibly the cabriolet but not sure, no one is giving me any information. The annoying thing is that I also ordered a Q5 at the same time to replace my Q3 so it is not as if I'm a one off Audi customer, the A3 is to replace my wife's A4. Been with Audi now for 8 yrs having moved over from Mercedes, maybe I should go back and get decent customer service !!!

  2. Hi Steve, unfortunately not the case. I have been informed that 400 have been withdrawn from delivery because of an "issue" but all of Audi seem to have closed up as to what the issue is. The car was due for delivery 3 weeks ago and still no news as to why the delay or when it will be delivered

  3. Any one knows why 400 A3s have been withdrawn from delivery at the port. My A3 was due to be delivered last month but I can not get any information from Audi UK or my dealer Harwoods as to the reason for the delay or what fault Audi have found?

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