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Posts posted by koverino

  1. Thanks Steve. I took the car to a local mechanic and he had a quick look at it, he said he could not find anything and i should bring it on another day to have a better look, as he was busy that day. He also told me i should use this additive called CATACLEAN to see if it would help in any way. He also checked the power steering fluid and it was okay. Thats probably the pump. I'm gonna have it checked later today, and will come back with updates 🙂

    I've also managed to repair the RNSE, the issue was the one that the owner said, I only had to recconect a wire. Been a bit of a headache to open the whole thing up and then put it back together tough :X

  2. I've bought an Audi A4 yesterday, its from 2007 and the car is almost in perfect condition. 

    The only 2 things that are weird with it is that it is giving out a lot of black smoke. If the car is standing still, and i rev it, it will give out some black smoke for like half a second and then it will go back to normal (non-coloured, and not a lot of smoke either). The engine is a 2.0 TDI (BRE)

    The second issue is that the steering wheel is a bit heavy, not extremely heavy, but heavy enough that is it a bit hard to move it with one hand. Could it be low power steering fluid? 

    And, another small one is that the Navigation screen isnt working. The owner said i just need to reconnect a wire. 

    Any ideas on what the issues would be?

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