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Posts posted by Briandodd

  1. Hi everyone, can you assist with a question please.

    I was at the golf club, stuff in the boot and stuff in the back seats.  Hot day with the roof down, I took the stuff from the boot and then from the seats, and then i pulled the lever to close the roof.

    The roof went through its command to close and the boot was up.  the rear closing panel and the boot lid came together and caused an awful lot of damage, which I am currently sorting out.

    I asked the local Audi technicians if there should be a fail safe, they said yes it shouldnt go through its commend and should cut out.   Audi customer care are struggling with an answer but seem to be saying it should carry through its command and the damage can occur, its not a fault with the model (im awaiting there answer in e mail but its taking a long time fro them to commit to an answer).

    Do any owners have the definitive knowledge of how the car should perform in these circumstances please?

    Thanks, Brian

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