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Chris 1971

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Posts posted by Chris 1971

  1. Hi,

    I have an A4 Avant 2012 S-line Black edition, TFSI. Owned it for about 8 months. It has 255/35 R19 rotor-style wheels/tyres. I like the look of them (and I have kept them absolutely pristine), but the car suffers quite a bit from tramlining. Everything else seems to be sound, the wheels are shod in Michelin PS3s and I've not heard that these tyres are particularly prone to tramlining compared to other tyres (quite the reverse it would seem). So I'm assuming it's just a characteristic of this specific wheel/tyre size.

    Despite them being head-turners, I've begrudgingly come to the conclusion that I place more value in the cars handling than it's looks (where they are mutually exclusive). I've got the option of a set of used 245/45 R18 s-line wheels (the 10-spoke ones - from an A6 I believe), plus tyres. They're in very good condition and the mid-range tyres still have about 6-7mm of tread. I can get them for a very good price (about half the price of 4 new Michelins on the 19s...)

    The 19s are due new tyres in the next 3 months or so.

    My main question is: can I just slap the 245/45 18s on in place of the 19s? simple maths says I can (I think), but am I missing anything? I've been told that I can from someone supposedly in the know, but I want to 100% sure, and be aware of all implications.

    If I can just swap them, I'm tempted to get the 18s with the deeper profile tyre, which should hopefully improve the tramlining. I'll store the 19s until I flog the car in 2 or 3 years time, and then put them back on, at which point they will still be in perfect condition and should be a big selling point at that time. 

    I'd be grateful for some pointers from the experts on here, specifically in respect of the points highlighted in bold above.

    Many thanks,


  2. Hi all,

    New to the forum, and new to Audis in general.

    I've recently bought a lovely 2012 B8.5 A4 Avant, TFSI 1.8 (170). S-Line, Black Edition, only 50k miles, great condition - very pleased with the car generally, but I am having a bit of an issue with the accelerator response, which is frankly poor, possibly even dangerous if you need to / like to move quickly.

    Most noticeable pulling out from a junction but it does happen overtaking too. Any 'kick' comes a long, long way down the press of the pedal, and even then it takes a hell of while to go. It's like I'm taking the car by surprise every time. When it does come, it's smooth and powerful - no complaints there. 

    Doesn't feel like turbo lag - during the period of 'no response' (way more than a second I'd say, which is much too long for my liking) the rev counter doesn't flicker - so even the basic engine is not revving initially. I also drive a little 2015 fiesa zetec S ecoboost 125. Hate to say it, but the difference is night and day. Barely-perceptible turbo lag - pretty much away as soon as the pedal goes down. Yes - vast difference in weight and all that, but still - Audi v Fiesta?

    It's not all bad - cruising round where I live and around the town etc makes for a very easy comfortable drive. So what I'm kind of saying is it's very easy to drive it slowly.... (yes - exactly - you see my problem...)

    Some Googling results in a fair amount of similar complaints, with a 'Throttle Body Alignment / Throttle Reset etc etc' provided as a possible solution. So apparently (some?) Audis adapts to your driving style in terms of acceleration? and the 'reset' restores standard settings? Not sure how true all of this is. If it is, I'm not really sure of the benefits - seems obvious to me but surely, well, your driving style should determine how the car is driven - not the car itself??

    Anyway - to cut to the chase - all instructions as to how to perform said reset / alignment don't seem to apply to my car (turn the key without starting the engine etc). So not even sure if it's an option for me.

    Is any of this true?

    Has anyone ever had this issue?

    Has anyone performed the 'reset', or otherwise rectified the issue?

    To be honest it's spoiling my enjoyment of an otherwise great car. If it's a fault, it's under warranty from the dealer I bought it from, but not even sure if it would be classed as a fault as it's quite a subjective issue.

    Any info / advice most gratefully received.




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