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Posts posted by BigDaveG78

  1. Hi everyone 

    Just got rid of my 06 Subaru Impreza Hawkeye 2.5 WRX and picked up a really solid 2005 Audi A4 2.0 petrol auto in an orangey/red colour. 

    Never owned an Audi before so not sure what to expect and obviously performance wise compared to a 2.5 turbo its a different animal. 

    I do between 8 and 10 mile a day commuting to work so the Subaru was wasted! 

    So Ive got the Audi home now and barring a few scuffs and dinks as youd expect its a tidy motor however when doing insurance quotes via your normal comparison sites Im shocked to see similar quotes if not more expensive than the Impreza and I cant figure out why?????? 

    If anybody has any ideas Id love to hear em? 

    On the back of this can anybody make recommendations of insurance companies I can approach? 

    Thanks in advance everyone


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