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Posts posted by Shello

  1. It’s a fairly easy fix. They’ve said they can send it off to a auto electrician to fix, and the cost would be about £300 including VAT. I’m just going to leave it for now. I’m just pleased it’s nothing to worry about. 

  2. So, I had the car looked at earlier today, and it turns out the problem is with the binnacle in the dashboard leaking light. 

    Im so pleased it wasn’t anything more sinister. 

    Thank you so much for chatting to me and giving me helpful advice. I really do appreciate it. 👍 

  3. I have a slight glow on the steering light on the dash, and have had a couple diagnostics done which have come back with no faults. Can anyone shed any light? I’ve been told it could be the onset of the steering rack failing. 

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