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Posts posted by ikcarus

  1. My understanding is that Audi actually subcontract Westfalia to make towers - so if you're getting westfalia, that's what audi would be fitting for you. Depending how OEM you want to go, you'd be looking at electric folding with CANBUS integration for fully OEM

  2. I have thule eve bars fitted to my B9 A4. I also have two genuine audi bike carriers. The carrier should fit the Thule bar no problem as it's T-Track, but does anybody know if it's possible to replace the front wheel carrier, with a fork mount? Does such a thing exist? 

  3. If it's any help I had this same problem at the weekend. I took the cover off, and pulled the jets off. Activating washer blew a 6ft high arc, so plenty of pressure. I ended up using compressed air to blow dirt and grime from the jets, before refitting. Worked perfectly 

  4. I have an ibis white b9 estate. No mudguards at the moment, but thinking of fitting them to try and keep some of the dirt and spray at bay. Has anybody fitted standard audi mudguards to this? What's your thoughts, do you have pictures? 


    I was also thinking of the Maxton design skirts - a) does anyone have pictures, and b) would mudguards interfere with these/ could they replace a mudguard 

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