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Posts posted by Jam3s.bradbury

  1. I live with my friend who owns the house so I pay no rent. I earn about £800 monthly which easily covers everything so I basically use my loan to fund all my exciting purchases. I'm terrible at saving so its best I just use the money getting another car instead of wasting it on amazon and drink 😂

  2. Yeah I was expecting an answer like this to be honest. I'm forever an optimist. I was looking at skodas and volvos and they do seem like the wise choice but I'm not wise 😂 I love the interior and looks of the a6 so I might have to just get the best spec I can for my budget and hope the engine and box don't go bang. I have a 3L z4 I'm currently using daily so can always use that when all the problems arise. I'm sure I'll be posting on another thread soon asking for help with all my issues 😂. Thanks for the reply,


  3. Just received my student loan so its time for a new car. I have a limit of £3000 and I'm happy to fix problems myself so not too worried about small issues. I want as many of the bells and whistles as possible but is it worth me getting a dog one and adding the options myself? Can I add heated seats to a car without them easy as parts seem to be dirt cheap. Also, which engine and gearbox combo is worth going for. Not too keen on autos because a failure with them scares me but if they're solid I'm open to suggestions. Cheers

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