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David Llew Jones

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Posts posted by David Llew Jones

  1. This is my first post! 

    I Took delivery of my new A3 in June.  My previous car was an A4 Sport and I successfully installed a Nextbase 512G dash cam without any problem (thanks to a helpful YouTube Video).  Prior to sale I removed the dashcam from the A4 and have now tried to re-install it in the A3 .  Whilst I did not encounter any real difficulty in installing the wiring and hiding the cable it just will not work!!  It's properly earthed and have used the fuse box in the glove compartment to find a suitable fuse slot.  I think the cable itself must be faulty but before I buy a new hardwire kit has anyone successfully installed and hardwired a dash cam in the latest A3 (8Y) in case the problem is with the car and not the dashcam.  I previously used a 5amp fuse with the A4 but they are all 7.5amp or higher in the A3.  Many thanks David

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