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Posts posted by Jatman

  1. Hello All,

    I have an 2014 Audi A6 with exactly the same issue. I took my car to kwick-fit to test the battery, the readings were all clear. Then I took the car for a service / MOT at a separate garage and ran an electronic test, they found a few error messages on the computer.

    When I was holiday, the cars  power closed down, literally had no power, no electronics, had to open my drivers door to activate the electronics, pressed start / stop and the car restarted.

    Today when to school at 16:20, parked up, the cars whole power system shut down.  Couldn't power on, no lights, couldn't lock the car, zilch. Went into school, got the kids, they had to climb through the drivers door as there was no power to the car. Waited till 17:00 till power reset itself in the car. Then drove home.

    So in mine the start / stop system shuts down the whole electrics to the car. I have the car set to dynamic mode, the issue happens at low revs. It's hard to replicate as it's random, but my does shut down and I can't restart all the time, making it dangerous to sit in.

    Need help fast please.




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