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Chris S3

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Posts posted by Chris S3

  1. Yes it’s a nightmare, although following Gareth’s advice I used a web site called Breaker Link and believe I have found one, proof of the pudding will be when it arrives though and if it is correct. So my advice would be to use them or a similar website that will check all scrapyards. Or even see if you can find a complete door.

    By the way is it driver or passenger you need? As have a contact for a driver side lock but passenger seems really difficult to get?

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  2. Hi Everyone, 

    Hi There, 
    Hoping you maybe able to help, I’m trying to get a passenger door lock for my 2001 Audi S3 (part No 8L2837015E) and have tried everywhere on Web all over Uk and Europe but can’t get it anywhere… would you or any of your members have one or know where I may be able to get one, new or even used one?
    Really appreciate any help you could give
    Thanks Chris


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