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Posts posted by JohnBShef

  1. Thanks for your continued interest. Get the feeling you work for Audi…

    The fact is the car just turned 5 and done 50,000 miles. A £45,000 car should not have engine failure to this extent it looked after correctly.

    Hopefully Audi do the right thing 👍

  2. Hi Gareth

    Yes the timing belt has slipped. The car was checked for its warranty not long ago and no advise was given to change the belt.

    It is now with Audi for a decision.

    The car has done 50.000 miles and needs a new engine.

    How bad is that for such an expensive car.

    Fingers crossed Audi do as you would expect and fix the car under the warranty.

    Thanks for the interest. I wondered if anyone else had game the same experience.



  3. Hi Gareth

    all serviced via Audi.

    On extended warranty with Audi.

    car just stop with horrible mechanical sound in the engine.

    last i heard they seemed to think the timing belt had slipped causing massive damage.

    Waiting for Audi to call back since last update but being very slow.

    not what I expected from an Audi te be honest.

    never had a problem and it’s my 2nd Q5

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