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Posts posted by H174

  1. On 11/14/2023 at 9:09 AM, H174 said:

    Well, today is meant to be delivery day so let’s see if they actually hold good to their word and contact me to advise what time they will be arriving with my car. After the frantic days last week getting things sorted for today, the usual radio silence has been observed by them. Only time will tell if they come through as promised. 
    watch this space 

    Well it’s finally arrived, ordered 17th April 23 and delivered 14th November 23. Not sure I could go through all that again in a hurry. 

  2. On 11/4/2023 at 6:21 PM, H174 said:

    So, after much debate they have reinstated the original finance deal, maybe my threat to walk away from the deal spurred theM into action. Therefore, I now have the vehicle registration number and the finance in place so now awaiting the delivery date to be confirmed.  A long slow and protracted process throughout, customer service and information needs a major overhaul in my opinion. Just the final hurdle of delivery to overcome now, hopefully next week. 

    Well, today is meant to be delivery day so let’s see if they actually hold good to their word and contact me to advise what time they will be arriving with my car. After the frantic days last week getting things sorted for today, the usual radio silence has been observed by them. Only time will tell if they come through as promised. 
    watch this space 

  3. 15 hours ago, PG220 said:

    Happy you got it sorted in the end.
    The sad reality is that 100% effort is put into getting you to sign on the dotted line and parting with your money and then everything goes downhill from there, no one gives a flying f*** after that. 
    Not just Audi to be fair.

    Can’t argue with any of that, as you say sign sign sign and then they wash their hands of you. Shouldn’t have to be this way as it is not that hard to keep people updated with matters. I think it is the total lack of communication and transparency that drives us to despair, it should not take the threat to walk away from the deal to get things done. 

  4. On 10/25/2023 at 8:39 PM, H174 said:

    So the final twist has occurred, I thought things were going too smooth. The finance company have for no apparent reason have withdrawn the original finance offer and replaced it (with the final one so they say) with a new one.  Only problem is that the have increased the interest rate by an additional 6.3% and added a year to the term!! 
    I am sure you can imagine my response to them. They can offer no explanation to this decision other than this is the dear we can do! My circumstances have changed slightly since original quotation, I have had a pay rise and that’s it. 
    To say that I am annoyed after waiting since April for my car only for it to fail whilst it’s sat waiting at the dealer is an understatement. If they don’t change their stance then I will be pulling out of the deal because I am not prepared to pay an extra £10k from the original deal. Watch this space ………..

    So, after much debate they have reinstated the original finance deal, maybe my threat to walk away from the deal spurred theM into action. Therefore, I now have the vehicle registration number and the finance in place so now awaiting the delivery date to be confirmed.  A long slow and protracted process throughout, customer service and information needs a major overhaul in my opinion. Just the final hurdle of delivery to overcome now, hopefully next week. 

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  5. 25 minutes ago, PG220 said:

    Wow, that’s disgraceful. Who is the finance from.

    Can you take your finance business elsewhere with better rates? 

    Original finance was with Evolution but they no longer deal with them and it’s now with DSG who won’t budge on the matter and I was told “that’s the deal take it or leave it” great customer service….. they are unable or are unwilling to provide a reason for decision they have taken. Seems to me they are just trying to milk more money out of the deal. To be fair the agent is trying to get answers for me, but, I am not holding out any hope of any reason being forthcoming. 

  6. On 10/21/2023 at 8:29 PM, H174 said:

    Let’s hope so, seems like something is moving as finance company also been into me. Time will tell if they deliver on their promises 

    So the final twist has occurred, I thought things were going too smooth. The finance company have for no apparent reason have withdrawn the original finance offer and replaced it (with the final one so they say) with a new one.  Only problem is that the have increased the interest rate by an additional 6.3% and added a year to the term!! 
    I am sure you can imagine my response to them. They can offer no explanation to this decision other than this is the dear we can do! My circumstances have changed slightly since original quotation, I have had a pay rise and that’s it. 
    To say that I am annoyed after waiting since April for my car only for it to fail whilst it’s sat waiting at the dealer is an understatement. If they don’t change their stance then I will be pulling out of the deal because I am not prepared to pay an extra £10k from the original deal. Watch this space ………..

  7. 1 hour ago, JohnJohn said:

    That's good news Kevin, you can finally get excited about getting your car:) only another 19 weeks for me....lol maybe

    Let’s hope so, seems like something is moving as finance company also been into me. Time will tell if they deliver on their promises 

  8. So within 5 days we have gone from no information as to if my order had gone into build, to it arrived at the port two days ago and now they tell me it’s in stock at the dealer being prepared!!!  

  9. On 10/6/2023 at 6:19 PM, H174 said:

    Well the saga continues, informed today (only after I chased up some info) that it’s still showing confirmed build week commencing 25 Sept. I did point out this was almost two weeks ago, however, as usual this seemed to go over their collective heads and I got true standard response of hurry up and wait!! 
    have to say I am losing patience with the whole process and the total lack of information, clarity and inconsistencies with the whole process. How can some orders take less than 6 weeks from order to delivery and others, especially mine, are no further on from order 5 months ago? I wouldn’t mind but it a big standard SLine surely it can’t be that hard to get into build. I might go back to BMW at this rate !!!  

    Wonders never cease! 
    I called the supplying dealer yesterday to be advised that they had no update on my build, after expressing my disappointment with their lack of information I stated that I would reassess my order and take a decision accordingly. Lo and behold I have just been informed that my car is built and is in fact at Emden awaiting export to the UK. Now, call me sceptical but, funny how threat of cancellation illicits this response. Only time will tell if they are being accurate or disingenuous with it. ! 

  10. 1 hour ago, JohnJohn said:

    I've only been following deliveries since I ordered mine at the end of August (Black 40TFSI S line ) no extras and I've been told 27 weeks, so I have a long way to go, but am interested to read how other folks have got on. There was one guy on this thread just recently ordered a standard avant in grey and received it in six weeks, he was obvously lucky and may have received a cancelled order. i've been following the audi availability site and they have had about 8 40tfsi in blue over the last 7 weeks and currently displaying 2 in blue and one in green as being available in the next few weeks at various dealers. I have to wait, I accept that and there is nothing I can do, however what I just cannot get my head around is how a company the size of audi after seven weeks cant tell me when....even roughly my car will be built/delivered. My local dealer says 27 weeks but admit they don't really know....crazy


    I ordered mine in April A4 35TFSI SLine with no extras and I am told it has only just gone into build although they cannot confirm this. The whole situation is utterly crazy and is beyond belief, I despair. 

  11. On 9/23/2023 at 9:30 AM, H174 said:

    Well Monday is my supposed build week for an A4 I ordered on 17th April. I am yet to be convinced of this being an accurate timeline as it has slipped before. If this gets pushed back yet again I think I will have to have a serious consideration about cancelling my order. 

    Well the saga continues, informed today (only after I chased up some info) that it’s still showing confirmed build week commencing 25 Sept. I did point out this was almost two weeks ago, however, as usual this seemed to go over their collective heads and I got true standard response of hurry up and wait!! 
    have to say I am losing patience with the whole process and the total lack of information, clarity and inconsistencies with the whole process. How can some orders take less than 6 weeks from order to delivery and others, especially mine, are no further on from order 5 months ago? I wouldn’t mind but it a big standard SLine surely it can’t be that hard to get into build. I might go back to BMW at this rate !!!  

  12. 26 minutes ago, PG220 said:

    At least that’s something positive. Hopefully it gets there in October but that will still be six months which is strange for a car ordered in April, based on other people’s experiences.

    I did point out that fact but it fell on deaf ears in the most, but as you say it’s a step forward but we wait and see if the reality matches the promised 

  13. Well, they inform me that my order has changed to confirmed build which is something I suppose. However, they are not in a position to provide any further information for at least 2 weeks, although they say my car is showing as due with the dealer during October. 

  14. Well Monday is my supposed build week for an A4 I ordered on 17th April. I am yet to be convinced of this being an accurate timeline as it has slipped before. If this gets pushed back yet again I think I will have to have a serious consideration about cancelling my order. 

  15. I ordered my A4 35 TFSI on 17th April 2023 and was given  a forecast of 16 weeks. As of yesterday I was advised my order is only due to go into build on 25th Sept 2023 but this is not confirmed, they also cannot provide any further details relating to my order. I fail to understand how it is this difficult to get accurate information regarding my order. The dealer has also said that once built they will be unable to provide and deliver forecast or details. All very poor and very frustrating, at this rate I can see me going into used market for a replacement vehicle. 

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