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Posts posted by Smilie

  1. Hi

    Thinking of getting CarPlay for a 66 plate Audi A1.

    Ask a local installer, and they recommend me getting a screen upgrade from eBay myself, and they can install it for me, as they don’t supply them.

    been looking at eBay, and can only find a few, but they are sent from China.

    any1 upgraded their system, and recommend anything?

    Current system is the SD satnav if it make any difference 





  2. Any1 know of a good MagSafe phone holder to use in a 66 plate A1?


    Been searching and can’t seem to find anything good.
    Windscreen suction 1s block too much of the windscreen.
    The LCD screen is in the way for a lot of the 1s to put on the dashboard.

    Fan outlets are small circular, and don’t seems to hold well.

    And as I want to use phone as satnav, it can’t be too low

    Any1 found anything good for a A1?

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