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Posts posted by JASENRS6

  1. On 3/15/2024 at 9:06 PM, Mark2 said:

    Cally, you are right, I am trying to get the BBC interested, can I copy and paste your story to them?

    Hi mark2

    I have just got Ian Ferguson from reject my car in Glasgow involved in my case, he has been on the BBC for rip off Britain, regarding faulty cars

    so watch this space!!

    he has been highly recommended to me from a very good source and has excellent customer reviews 



  2. 5 minutes ago, RSW said:

    Sorry to hear about that JASENRS6. Agree with ASHA12, remapping has no impact on this increasingly well documented fault.

    Mark2 may be able to offer some advice given his experience with this issue, dealings with the dealership and Audi UK.

    Part of the issue here is the warranty claims team will do what they can to push back on the dealership. There is always the question of legally what is defendable given the terms and conditions of a warranty and associated grey areas vs the question of what they will do ref brand protection in terms of how much of a fuss you are prepared to make and how.

    Given how expensive and time consuming the former can be I would start with the latter, make it clear to the dealership you are clear the remapping has no relevance to the root cause for this known fault, that you are prepared to put some serious time into their social media presence to highlight the case and your treatment and put together a suitably polite but reasonable request to Audi UK execs (Mark2 should be able to highlight who to focus on given his experience). 

    Good luck - Audi should be ashamed of this fault, not fully root causing and fully fixing via a recall. 

    Hi RSW


    I hope MARK2 Can help me with this


    I asked them about this should be a recall and there answer was 

    Its not a common problem so no need for a recall!



  3. 21 minutes ago, ASHAH12 said:

    It should be covered abd the remap has nothing to do with the failure of the alternator. Did you tell them your vehicle was remapped? I would suggest you go back let them know that UK Audi now cover this under an extended 7 year warranty and unlimited mileage. If they still say no then I would escalate this to UK Audi and then follow small claims court. The remap has nothing to do with the alternator failure. Its a defect on that part.

    Hi Azam

    Thanks for the quick reply


    No they could tell it was remapped, when they plugged the car in, It was DMS Automotive who remapped it, the dealership is being really snotty about it, i phoned audi uk about the issue this evening but they said the would look into it, but i Am not holding out much hope at all with them, Audi uk said on the phone they dont take any heading to Forums on the internet


    I am pulling my hair out here with this!!





  4. Hi Everyone

    I have this problem on my 2023 RS6 Vorsprung, i have had the car remaped and its only done 1600 miles and this problem has occurred this week, the audi dealership has
    said its not covered under Warranty because of the remap, has any one else had there warranty refused or voided because of a remap?

    the cost is £3k to fix this, its so annoying as there is loads of forums on here regarding this problem what should be classed as a recal

    Please help any advice would be great


  5. Hi Everyone

    I have this problem on my 2023 RS6 Vorsprung, i have had the car remaped and its only done 1600 miles and this problem has occurred this week, the audi dealership has
    said its not covered under Warranty because of the remap, has any one else had there warranty refused or voided because of a remap?

    the cost is £3k to fix this, its so annoying as there is loads of forums on here regarding this problem what should be classed as a recal

    Please help any advice would be great


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