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Posts posted by karenfingerhut

  1. Hi James


    I did speak to the complaints dept at Audi and they agreed that it was a bit strange that the seat belt's fine in all positions apart from the one I drive in. I said if i'm not happy with the outcome I would seek legal advice and they said they would help me with it but if it does come back as faulty and can't be fixed then they would look at getting me in another car ........not holding my breath though!!!.....


    They've also got a professional window cleaning company to polish the windscreen to see if that stops the squeaking. However its like getting your car waxed, over a period of time it comes off and the shines gone. So the same with the windscreen it might be an interim fix but once the polish has come off its probably back to squeaking


    The rattle on the break pedal....Audi have asked them to record/video the noise


    On a positive note, they did a health check on the car and all came back ok haha


    Watch this space.

  2. Hi James


    I know its ridiculous.


    The good thing is that they are acknowledging the issues, but the bad thing is they are saying they are characteristics. However I know someone who bought exactly the same car as me a month ago and they have no issues whatsoever. So Characteristic my foot!!!!

  3. Hi 


    So following on from the other issues with my new A3, I have have a problem with my drivers seat belt.


    On an initial visit to Audi they heard the rattling noise it makes and said 'yes it shouldn't be doing that'. I get a call a day after to say actually its normal for it to do that and the reason its doing it is because of the position I have my seat in. They also said it doesn't make the noise when you have the seat further forward or further back. So basically change your driving position!!!


    My issue is that thats the position I drive in and because it doesn't make the noise in any other position (apart from the sods law one I have it in) then it must be a fault. 


    Again I think they're fobbing me off.


    Can I please have your thoughts.


    Many thanks


  4. Hi James yep complained to Audi UK and am currently dealing with them. They did advise me to go through Motor code who will give me the name of some mechanics who can potentially look at the problems and override Audis decision. If that happens they then deem the car as not fit for purpose. Want to keep the car just want the niggling noises to stop.

  5. LOL I know James. I changed my Audi A1 because there was a characteristic fault (their words) with it that they said they could only temporarily fix and that that there was no permanent fix for it as yet. And then I get these niggling problems with my new one. Got to laugh though.


    Asked if they would change the window and they said no they wouldn't do that. Crazy!!!

  6. Hi James


    Thanks for replying.


    I'll try another set of blades and cleaning the window with either some good polish (windscreen only) and diluted screen cleaner as you suggested.


    I'm still baffled as to how Audi can accept this kind of issue with a brand new car though

  7. Hi all


    Like my previous topic mentioned I have a brand new (2 months old) Audi A3 S Line Stronic 1.4 TFSI. Separate from my previous issue which I have now raised a complaint about, I also have (since day one) a squeaky windscreen. So every time it rains the windscreen or the windscreen wipers squeak. Audi have changed the blades and unfortunately the problem is still there. As well as this the blades judders. When I clean my windscreen with the cleaning stuff in the car it doesn't squeak, however when it rains it does. Very strange.


    Audi have now come back to me and said this is a characteristic of the car. Again I am baffled to such a fob off with a brand new car. Maybe a few years down the line the windscreen squeaks but not from day one and to be told its normal. I'm getting very frustrated with Audi and there characteristic fob off. 


    Does any else out there have or have had the same issue and if so was there a resolutions to it.


    Kind regards


  8. Ay last Audi was an a1 sline stronic. From about a month in it developed a kind of rattle/vibration noise in both doors. It went in to be fixed about 6 times. Each time they kept putting sealant on the seals of the doors as thats what they thought the problem was. Eventually they decided to call Audi and ask if there was fix for it only to be told it was a characteristic fault of the car with no permanent fix. I wasn't happy!! What added insult to injury was after I got the new A3 one of the service guys (who i'd seen on numerous occasions about the fault in the A1) said yes, we've had a few people come in with the same problem to the A1. Why didn't he mention that before!!!  Frustrating. I just want honesty and then I can make an informed decision.

  9. Going in for a second opinion. Although the dealer where I leased the car did say to drop it off and they would take it for a second opinion themselves. However the cynic in me makes me think they wouldn't take it anywhere and just make out they did. LOL. 

  10. Hi James

    I've just got in touch with a different Audi dealership and asked to make an appt there. 

    I agree it is strange. The problem is once you hear the noise you can't switch off from it, so it stop you enjoying the experience of driving your car.

    I'll keep you posted....

  11. I have a new Audi a3, 3 door, Sline Stronic. When moving foot from accelerator to brake and just ever so slightly tapping the break (hardly moves) not deploying the brake fully I get a rattle noise. Audi are saying this is normal. I can't believe that to be the case on a brand new car. Does anyone else have the same problem or should I take this further? Many thanks Karen

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