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Posts posted by Aaron07

  1. Dont know if you got this sorted yet but i had the exact same problem with my a6 and i also thought it was a balljoint or shock. It ended up being my brake pads moving about when going over bumps i replaced the pads and the knock went try holding your foot on the brake when going over a bump and if the knock is not there then its more than likely the shoulder of your pads has wore

  2. Hi thanks for the reply. I checked it today and when all the electrics are off the car idles at 800rpm. If i knew for definit it was the flywheel i would replace it but reading through other threads that is what everyone seems to replace first and most of the ones i was reading was still getting the vibration after. I dont know of anybody in my area that is good with diagnostic equipment to see if they can see anything through the measuring blocks. Any other suggestions on what to check next

  3. Hi still no joy in finding vibration so far i have had timing kit and water pump done, blanked off egr to see if it made a diffrence which it didnt, fan belt tensioner replaced the a/c recharged it has been fully serviced and still no diffrence. I have noticed that it does go away when the a/c is turned on. Any other suggestions would be appreciated

  4. Thanks for the reply dan3222 

    Think i will try injector cleaner next then to rule that out.

    I have been looking at liquid moly diesel purge and it has got loads of really good reviews online i will more thank likely get the timing kit changed in the next few months just to be safe as the dealer had no evidence of it being done before

    Process of elimination is an expensive job :wink:

  5. Hi thanks for the replys

    I had my mechanic look at it yesterday he checked all the mounts/pulleys ect

    He found that the air filter was blocked up so he replaced it and cleaned out the box i got the car back and the vibration is gone so thankfully an easy fix ( i never would have thought to check it)

    He also changed the brake pads as there was a slight knock when braking and thats now gone too

    I changed the oil, oil filter and fuel filter today just to be safe so hopefully thats it for awhile now 

  6. Hi all

    I have recently bought a 2010 a6 sline le mans with 120k on the clock. Love the car but i have noticed there is a very slight vibration when its idling. There are no noises comming from it and it doesnt make any diffrence when the clutch peddal is pressed in so dont think its the flywheel. The car drives perfect with no unwanted noises. I have read online that this is just the way these cars are and was wondering if thats true or not. I had a 2.5 v6 before this which are known for being really smooth and i dont know if its just the fact i am comparing the 2. I have also had the car plugged into vag com and it has no fault codes

    Any help would be appreciated

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