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Posts posted by Meow

  1. A Q please.

    With the air suspension does the car automatically sit up high, or do so if you set it to, to receive you as you step in ?  A kind of comfort access for fatties with weak knees / problem back. 

    Am I right to think that the AllRoad will be better for this than a standard Avant ?

    And as I say, can you set it, to be particularly high sitting when you first step in ? ( then lower when you drive off say )

  2. Big wheels, or "Stupid-Wheels" is one of my pet hates. 

    Marketing led and misunderstood by many consumers.

    Depending on the make/model it can spoil things in at least two ways when it comes to choice.

    1) New cars. Makes you avoid a better value higher spec'd variant because you are forced with that to take big wheels and low profile tyres. You can often get round it by taking a lower trim variant and piling on the options, but that is an expensive way to approximate to the higher spec variant, purely to avoid the Stupid-Wheels. I do wish manufacturers ( or often as it is, a country's importing company ) would just let the consumer decide if they want those sort of wheels and not think they know best for us, forcing it to automatically come with the higher general spec.

    2) The available range of used cars. Again the higher spec variants suffering from Stupid-Wheels but also, the tendency for people to "upgrade" their wheels anyway on lower variants, often not realising the implication for noise and ride. Its so frustrating in browsing lists of available models, to find so few with sensible wheels. And you often end up missing out on a well spec'd car because of your wish to avoid Stupid-Wheels.


    Audi aren't the worst for forcing Stupid-Wheels, compared to Mercedes for example, but I do get irritated in seeing things like "Black Edition" and the S line dominate people's choices and thus what's available in for sale lists. 

    A related thing that really annoys me is the way functional options and upholstry/trim choices can be denied on a lower variant. But to take the higher variant would mean accepting the Stupid-Wheels. I wish manufacturers would just let people take a higher spec'd variant but leave people to make their own choices when it comes to wheels. 

    By the way Jaguar actually allow buyers to 'downgrade' their wheels. I wish Audi, Merc and Skoda would do the same !


  3. This is an interesting topic to me as I might be buying an A8, on which there will be a good chance of their being soft close doors fitted.

    As purely a personal car, fine but as a taxi hmm, I wonder. In non-so-equipped cars, people often close the door poorly but immediately notice and proceed to try again. If not being used to soft close doors they misinterpret this as their failure to properly close the door, would not the grab for a second attempt work against the mechanism which by then is trying to perform its operation ?  A thing like soft closing doors is asking for repair trouble anyway but perhaps made all the more likely by passengers who innocently may fight against the mechanism thinking they simply haven't shut the door correctly. 

    Am I wrong ?

    Another problem I see is danger of crushing. From a quick Google about there have been such cases and law suits following ( BMW got mentioned a few times ). This is obviously a problem in a taxi given the extended risk arising from the numbers of passengers involved and most not being aware of the nature of the doors. I don't fancy warning every time they get out and while I could put up notices in reality most would not read .

    So my questions :

    - Can the feature be disabled in software ?

    - Is the Audi version a safe one that stops closing if the slightest thing is obstructing ?

    - Is the Audi system one that immediately stops working if the handle is pulled on again ( my earlier scenario described ) or conversely will door and passenger action end up fighting, possibly leading to damage ?

    While the cost of repair is no doubt not small ( A8 ) its even worse as a taxi considering you are probably off the road until you can get it fixed ( revenue stops, costs continue )


  4. Good evening.

    I think I'm just about to become an Audi owner and seek initially to gain understanding from the knowledge of existing owners, that may help me decide.

    Hence for now my profile states as model Ax and year 20xx

    I'm looking at A6 ( including Avant and AllRoad )and A8

    There's a particular angle to my requirements and thinking in that it will be in use as a taxi. Therefore there might be some things that are intended by Audi to be good but which may not in taxi terms be a good idea, which is one of the things I'd seek to get a better idea about from your combined experience.

    I am a cat.

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