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  1. Hi Gareth. Thanks for your thoughts. The economics of doing the repair have been playing on my mind a lot and I'm still not 100% sure. It seems the combination of A38P, 2L petrol, dsg and quattro are fairly rare so I think there is still value in it and worth the repair. As the other option would be scrap for peanuts or sell broken and then I think the value will be minimum too. Maybe the combo is rare because this happens to them and they're not fixed though.....
  2. There was no noise or anything I noticed before hand which surprised me. Thanks for the reply!
  3. Ahhhh I understand now. Thank you for clarifying. My engine is a timing chain as opposed to a belt. At first I was hoping the timing had just jumped and there'd be no damage before I looked with a camera but doesn't seem the case
  4. Many thanks for getting back to me to quickly A couple of questions as I'm a bit of a noob with engines.... You mention I might be lucky and the head won't be bent. By this do you mean the valves might not be bent or something else to do with the head? Also for my own knowledge and for further reference... Should I have had my timing chain changed for similar reasons as belts get changed at certain milage amounts? My car has done around 90k but as it didn't have a belt it never crossed my mind, honestly. Maybe i could have prevented this with hindsight. Cheers again!
  5. Hi All, I am new here and its because my 2008 A3 2.0 Petrol DSG Quattro has died and i could do with some advice please. Hopefully someone can give me advice on the best course of action or can possibly suggest a garage/person who is a specialist in these cars/engines and can repair it or also give me advice. This is a long post but only because I'm trying to explain as best as I can what has happened and try to give as much info as possible. To begin with I have had a mechanic take a look and we have determined the timing has jumped. When it is cranked over by hand the pistons move up and down but the valves aren't moving at all and the engine wont turn over for a complete 360 degrees. We can see this as I have a camera for looking through the spark plug holes. I don't believe the timing jumped when I was driving it as I heard/felt nothing and just parked up - it was only evident there was a problem when I came to start it a few hours later and it would only turn over. Due to this I am hoping the damage is minimal but I am no expert. With the mechanic we have taken a look through the spark plug holes to try and determine just how much damage has been done. I have attached a couple of photos and linked a video (below) which he believes shows a slight bit of damage to the piston heads (the gold coloured areas) and therefore means the valves have struck the pistons and more than likely have damaged/bent them. I do know this mechanic quite well so don't believe he is taking me for a ride but he has quoted me £1500 worst case scenario. That is essentially to remove the head, replace all the valves, new head gasket, level the head (this one i am not sure about), new timing kit plus all ancillary parts which goes with it. With the majority of the cost coming in the form of labour unfortunately. Do you think this is all needed to be done, is it over the top or more needs to be done, with the explanation, pictures and videos i have provided? Is there anything else we might have missed or misdiagnosed? I am very keen to fix it but I am also open to the idea of selling it as is for someone else to fix and sell/use but I am not sure what kind of price to be looking for - is this something anyone can also advise on please?? Any help and advice is much appreciated and hopefully I won't have to end up scrapping it as it is a real nice car to drive and I don't want to give up on my pride and joy. Video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m1dxk35b28870fr/Untitled%20Project.mp4?dl=0 (the video should be open to all and not need a dropbox account to view) Thank you Sedge.
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