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Everything posted by JamesCarter

  1. I help manage a online car club/magazine for car enthusiasts (around 5K members) and we send out regular newsletters with featured cars. We would like a theme with Audi in one of the coming newsletters and would like to ask the members of this forum for help. We have 7 slots available, that is, one big slot for the main car feature and 5-6 *smaller* slots for secondary cars. If you are interested: - We will need to use your images and all the info you can give us on our website and link to it from our newsletter (will be publicly available for everyone to see). You may from your "profile page" (on our website) link to any threads on this forum that is relevant to your car feature. - We will only include the information that you give us in the feature, so you may decide yourself if you wish to stay anonymous or use your real information. Same goes for any content on images you may wish to blur out. - We are not looking for something specific - if you feel you have something to share, please let us know. It could be anything from big budget projects to just good pictures of a clean/polished car.. If you wish to have your car featured, please pm me with summarized info about you and your car. Thank you in advance.
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