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  1. Thank you so much. I’ll let you know if they surprise us all with a reasonable response.
  2. Sent. Thank you. I’m grateful to have found this group to know I’m not alone as much as I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. Bristol wavered the diagnostic fee in the end so fight to get the money back too!
  3. So sorry to hear this has happened. It makes me so angry on your behalf as I know how it feels. I have an email from Bristol Audi telling me the warranty is only on Q7s (this is a lie it’s on more models but it would help you I hope). Would you like a copy @RKaur @DADSQ7? @RSW I am off work from Wednesday so will make it a priority to email. If you want to message me your email address I can cc you in. I will also contact DVSA thank you for passing on info previously. Are you happy for me to mention you in my correspondence with them so hopefully they make links? I’ve taken my car to Bath now but haven’t heard back from Audi UK or Bristol yet. Intrigued to know how they’re going to rationalise 3 alternators failing on my 3.5yr old A3 with the latter only lasting a month before packing in. I’ll also be asking them for info on how many other A3s have this problem (I doubt they’ll give it to me but I’ll be trying to fight to get this model added to the 7 yr warranty list). It won’t help me but may help others in the future. I will also be asking for Andrew Doyle’s contact details to complain to him although I don’t hold out much hope.
  4. Flabbergasted I’m writing this but in less than a month of the alternator supposedly getting fixed…I’ve broken down again with the same 48v system problem. Going to try and get the car taken to Bath rather than Bristol now as I’ve lost all faith in Bristol. I’ve got extended warranty with Audi now thankfully however this is now the 3rd time this has happened to my 2020 car. Does anyone have the MDs personal contact details for me to complain to? Surely they’ve got to listen now that there’s a manufacturing fault? Any advice of suggestions of how I can take this further is very much welcome.
  5. Which dealership is this with? I was told by Bristol Audi and Audi uk they can offer gestures of goodwill if you are a loyal customer. I only got help with the price after 8weeks of fighting them back and forth I was out of warranty by 5months. If you can cope without your car stand your ground and fight it til they start supporting you. If you bought it directly from Audi you can also say they need to support you under the consumer rights act (2015 I think check the date). Alot of us have also gone to the motor ombudsman and DVSA and you can say there are multiple cases with the same issue. Good luck I hope you get it sorted!
  6. I don’t know if this is helpful to you but as to know the part number of your alternator. I was told by Audi the affected alternator part number which are covered under the 7yr warranty is..4N0 903 028. Don’t let them fob you off like Bristol did telling me they couldn’t give me that information. I politely told them under the freedom of information act they certainly could and they then gave it to you.
  7. Do you have a case number or a way in which other Audi owners can add information to your case with the DVSA? I’m just wondering if it would add more weight to your case rather than us all having individual cases? Audi closed my case too as it was a manufacturing issue which Bristol not audi uk deal with! It’s unbelievable really.
  8. You are very welcome to tell the DVSA and executive I am also happy to back you with your complaint as I am in total agreement after experiencing the same issue with my A3. What do you think are chances are of getting on watchdog!?
  9. It’s ridiculous and potentially dangerous if driving on fast roads when the fault occurs. When I hear back from motor ombudsman next I will let you all know. Group action definitely will have more weight (you’d like to think)
  10. Hi, I was told by Bristol audi (I have it written in an email) that the Q7 are covered under the seven year extended warranty they don’t tell you about unless you push for it. How old is your car? If you purchased the car directly from Audi less than 6 years ago under the consumer rights act 2015 they need to support you. After 9 weeks without my car they did try to help me but it was still a really poor offer and they don’t careless a key component has gone wrong. Audi uk says it’s nothing to do with them as it’s a manufacturing issue. They will only help you if your dealership help. I have gone through the motor ombudsman and asked if they can see if my case relates to others (which I’m pretty sure it does) so it can be looked into as a collective.
  11. Hello, I haven’t had anything in writing apart an email to say this is the part number of the affected alternators ‘alternator 4N0 903 028’. However, Bristol Audi still won’t tell me what part number my A3 needs so I’m unable to check. They also won’t acknowledge it had failed before whilst it was in warranty. I have also complained to the motor ombudsman (but could be waiting months) and am happy for you to quote my name to them to back up there is a problem Audi are failing to take responsibility for. The more people that get in touch will surely help fight our case. I have now had a letter to say I have to pay £90 a day for the car to stay at Audi if I continue to fight my case and don’t want to pay 2k for the repair! I think my fight may be over but I’ll be paying it with the writing ‘paying in protest’ to try and help my case if I try to claim it back. Best of luck.
  12. Thank you so so much for your help I really appreciate it. This is only my first Audi.
  13. So sorry to hear you’re still having so much trouble. I am more than happy to support any complaints with you. I am astonished at their lack of support and disingenuousness. I bet there are so many people in the same boat as we are!
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