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Trevor last won the day on May 27

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About Trevor

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  • Interests
    Cars, Bikes, Le Mans 24 Hours, Historic Racing
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  • Audi Model
    A4 1.9 TDI
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  1. Will certainly look into that Gareth....I'm sure we're not the only forums to have members ghost the site once they have read the response. Also, wonder whether many members use the email to register but not always visit their mailbox to check for responses
  2. Members can opt to receive notifications depending on their preferences....mostly when they post a thread or reply then they will get a notification
  3. Event update from Beaulieu Motor Museum
  4. Yes, will definitely enlighten you with the planned trip (when finances allow) and will definitely look forward to riding on roads that I have to concentrate so hard on avoiding obstacles and just enjoy the scenery. Was flashed in Germany but never got a ticket, in France I have been stopped and (illegally) fined by the corrupt police force there 😞 I will post in the Road Trips section as could do with kick-starting that one up again https://www.audiownersclub.com/forums/forum/87-road-trips/
  5. Great write up Frank and thanks for sharing it with us I too have done a similar route on my motorbike through Ypres onto Black Forest and into Bavaria then Austria before heading into Italy.....what amazing roads is all that can be said and the views are second to none! Brings back some great memories and is strongly convincing me to plan another European road trip, thanks!
  6. Hi Steve, so sorry to hear of the demise of your Audi in such a bizarre way 😞 but at least no one was injured. Our neighbour had an A6 a few years ago that ended up in the neighbours hedge over the road, same thing....applied the handbrake, went indoors and only found it the next morning. One thing that surprised me was that the alarm had not activated (e.g. movement sensors, etc) when it was merrily rolling down the road or across the forecourt. On the subject of parts, it is not just Audi and cars in general, motorbikes are a leisure industry and therefore replacement bike parts are incredibly extortionate through the manufacturer. Luckily, there are many aftermarket suppliers for spares and can usually find the part at a bargain price through eBay and such like. But 'badge engineering' is rife and makes such as Ducati (who incidentally are owned by Audi, I believe) are off the scale when it comes to parts and servicing. Good luck with your search for a replacement car and it would be great to see you stay in the forums to continue imparting your knowledge to others.
  7. I hate to bring bad news to the table but I have come across this before on a Mini (BMW version) where the car was in a flood and based in Cornwall where this is common. The car was subsequently written off and should never have been resold as damage occurs to the electronics and numerous other areas. It is impossible to get out of the seats and also carries bacteria which can affect your breathing. If this is the case it will be accompanied by a pungent smell and also things like the seat runners can be corroded making it difficult to move back and forward. If the car has ever spent time in flood areas in Cornwall then you should investigate further
  8. We are a Nationwide Mobile SMART Repair Company who carry out over 175k repairs per year - and come to your home or workplace at a time and day convenient to yourself. When using our "get a quote" option on the top right hand side of the web main page by entering the discount code, should you proceed with the quote you will be eligible for a 10% Discount - this code is valid until the end of 2024 View full discount
  9. Happy New Year to all and also a Happy Birthday to you Kev Let's hope 2024 is a good one 🙂
  10. Thank you Gareth and to you and yours too. Thank you also for all the hard work, that you and the other Moderating team members have put into this club over the past year, we all appreciate it.
  11. lol....humour aimed at the us older generation I think....I remember Anthea Redfern so that shows my age Anthea Redfern, Self (Series 1-7) ; Isla St. Clair, Self (Series 8-11) ; Rosemarie Ford, Self (Series 12-16) ; Sally Meen, Self (Series 17).
  12. Carly - Manufacturer level OBD2 diagnostics Carly is a massive jump up from cheap generic scanners bought online, we provide Manufacturer level diagnostics the same as a franchised Main dealer would use. Generic scanners give access to only 1000 generic OBD codes that cover all car makers globally, with Manufacturer diagnostics there are over 150,000 codes available with more added constantly, with Carly all updates are included free! Carly’s takes complex jargon and makes it understandable for all car owners regardless of mechanical knowledge. Taking back control of your car from the Garages and Manufacturers. It is a workshop diagnostic tool designed for everyone. We are thrilled to extend an exclusive 15% discount to members, providing access to a suite of advanced features and benefits through Carly's innovative diagnostic trouble codes (DTC) and maintenance solutions. Our aim is to enhance the car ownership experience by offering unparalleled capabilities usually reserved for professional mechanics and dealership-level tools. Here's what Carly can offer you: Manufacturer-Level Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC): Access to sophisticated diagnostic trouble codes used by manufacturers, providing detailed insights into your car's health and status. Live Data: Real-time access to your vehicle's live data, allowing you to monitor performance metrics and detect potential issues before they become significant problems. Repair and Fault Finding Guides: Comprehensive guides and step-by-step instructions for over 10,000 of the most common fault codes to assist in diagnosing and fixing issues, reducing unexpected breakdowns and repair costs. Preventing Unexpected Costs: By proactively identifying issues before they escalate, members can avoid unexpected breakdown costs and save significantly on repair expenses. Reducing Downtime: With quick fault-finding guides and actionable repair advice, members can reduce the time their vehicles spend off the road after a fault occurs, ensuring they stay on the road for longer. View full discount
  13. Offers in the region of...... is always a good start to getting a buyer
  14. I know its not an Audi but this 'beauty' has been in Argostoli, Kefalonia for many years and this year it has actually moved.....whether anyone is going to restore it or whether it drives on a daily basis I don't know but I do love the effort they have put into the bodywork repairs 🙂
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