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Everything posted by jdragon

  1. Me neither! It does make me question how it has been wired in! I've got it booked in with Quatro-Tech for a full service so I might ask them to have a quick look at it for me. In any case, that car has been fine since, and my phone connects so the update worked :)
  2. Can anyone please tell me why some wing mirrors have one plug, while others have two (photo attached)? Would it be one for electric, and two for both electric and heated?
  3. Does anyone know if the Cobra flush fit R0394 can be installed in my Audi A4 B8?
  4. I decided to buy the cable and do the update myself. After pulling out the stereo etc. I traced the wires back to the box which had been installed between the glove box and fuse box - there was plenty of room and the installation looked neat with inline fuses and proper connectors so it was a good start. I had a few goes at connecting and finally got to the flash programming stage where it stalled, so I unplugged it all, rebooted my laptop but the same happened again. It turns out the device properties need to be the same as the com speed During one of the attempts I made to connect, I tried it with the engine running when something a little odd happened. The parrot box had all the cables plugged in, and was connected to my laptop via the update cable but when the connection failed I unplugged the USB end of the update cable from my laptop leaving the other end in the parrot box and pressed the key and removed it to kill the engine but it kept running! So I pushed the key in again with my foot on the clutch but there was just a weird clicking noise coming from the front of the car, but the engine kept running so I tried a couple more times with no joy. It wasn't until I pulled the update cable (which was still not connected at the USB end) from the parrot box did the engine stop running..........does anyone know why this happened?
  5. I've decided on a set of cobra sensors for my car (£60) which will be painted when I have a little scuff repaired, and a set of Dolphin (£50) for the wife's car because they come painted to colour. They are both the buzzer only type so I'm going to have a go at installing them myself in a few weeks time :D
  6. I know but the cables are £30 and you still need access to the box, so I might as well remove it and let someone else update it for £10 on the bay B) I did search for a guide to remove the head unit but couldn't find one - perhaps I will extend my search to Google.
  7. I've took advantage of the Halfords 3 for 2 and bought the Meguiar's 3 step kit but the polish does leave a lot of white dust. I've just ordered some Glaze #7 and Ultimate Wax so I'll see how it goes :)
  8. Yeah sorry, parking sensors with audio only i.e. I'm not interested in a screen/any kind of visual aid. I think with some patience I could install them - how much would you suggest I spend on a kit?
  9. Thanks for the links. Do you have any experience with these guys?
  10. It's starting to bug me that my drivers side wing mirror if different from the passengers side so I'm looking for a drivers side replacement to match the one in the attached photo. I'm not sure why they are different - I remember the same thing with a new Polo my wife bought (drivers side being bigger) but the sales person said it was normal, and my wife wasn't bothered so we just accepted it. Travelling isn't an issue but it would be great to know of a reliable online supplier or someone in my area :)
  11. I've recently bought an Audi A4 (B8) and it has a Parrot CK3000 kit fitted but it needs updating so that I can use it. There are a few people offering to update them at a reasonable price on a well known auction site but it would mean pulling my dash apart to find the blue box, but I'm not entirely sure I want/how easy it is to do this if there is an alternative way of updating via Bluetooth or something?
  12. I've been considering using a clay bar and doing the whole, paint cleaner, polish and wax treatment. I only have experience with Autoglym and Meguiar's products which aren't especially difficult to use, although the Meguier's polish doesn't give you much time to buff it off before it dries to the paintwork! I guess I'm looking for something that is easy to use and will maintain the mirror-like shine ..............
  13. It has just become apparent my wife is likely to trash the rear end of my car due to it being considerably longer than her car, and a lack of parking sensors. I have done a quick search online and have found one or two companies in my areas offering to fit an audio system for £150 all in. Is there anything I should avoid with this modification?
  14. Does anyone have experience with the Audi dealerships in Cambridge, Peterborough and Huntingdon, or can recommend a specialist in these areas?
  15. Hi all, A quick intro about me and my Audi/car owner experience. I currently live in Cambridgeshire and work as a mechanical design engineer for a company who sell scientific/deposition equipment to high tech component manufacturers for electronic applications. My first Audi back in 2005 was the last model of the A3 TDI first gen which was about 3 years old when I bought it, but I quickly exchanged it for a Golf GT TDI because it just didn't stimulate me enough :( After owning the VW for a few years I bought a Mercedes C Class Coupe Panoramic 2.2 TDI which had been a solid and reliable car for 7 years, but I have recently parted with it after 196k miles. I now own an A4 B8 2.0 TDI S-Line. I drive ~20k/year so I have gone for something that (I hope) gives a balance between economy and performance - so far I am extremely happy with every aspect of it anyway. There are a few questions I have regarding servicing and the like so I will have a look to see if my questions have been answered already.
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