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Posts posted by Steve1

  1. The 2.0 desiel A4 s line ive just purchased does not have a dipstick just the tube with a removable cap.

    Not really sure if i like the idea of the computer on the screen giving me my oil level.

    Have spoken to TPS and they only have a listing for the dipstick tube not the dipstick itself.

    Can any one point me in the right direction for getting hold of one.

    Theres a guy on eBay stating he is selling the correct dipstick for the 2.0 B8 but it seems too long plus TPS are saying they have not a listing makes me think it will be wrong.


  2. Thanks James hope your right.

    Just had a call from the dealers the fault being the throttle body.

    They actually  called it the throttle actuator just under the egr valve,3 bolts and an electrical  connector looks so easy to replace.

    Apparently  very common regardless  of mileage "the electric motor in it starts to stick".

    Any way new one ordered from Audi should get it back tomorrow so hope every things ok and back to how it should be.

    So looking forward to getting the car back and driving to best car that i have ever owned.

    Will give an update once the cars back,fingers crossed.

  3. Just picked up my fantastic black s-line se with 40,000 on the clock and full audi history this afternoon. 

    The car ran great after doing the 35 miles or so from the dealers to home and was not touched, as i had to go back to work,till late in the evening.

    When i started the car late evening the glow plug light came on flashing plus the engine management light and would  not go off even after a few engine starts,great.

    The car was perfect until i started it this evening and with relatively  low milage i did not expect any problems for quite  a long time.

    Has any one come across this type of fault and what was done to put it right.The cars under warranty but not having it 24 hours and already having issues does not look good.






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