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Everything posted by Terry1969

  1. Hey everyone, Looking for some advice from those who know better than I on the Subject title. The wifey has been an A4 driver since the late 90's and she absolutely loves the car [B5 models til now] Nows the time for a new used car and yep, its gotta be an A4....but of course its gotta be either a Late B6 or B7. [dont think budget of 6 grand will stretch to a B8] Now, during the last few years, shes unfortunately developed Reynaulds, which if you dont know means [among other things] her hands really really suffer from the cold...her hands are often blue, especially in the mornings even in summertime! [and it does no end of damage to our heating bills!] In any case, im sure you can see, a heated steering wheel is now a must....no problem i thought! So off i pop to those second hand websites im sure you are all aware of, and sure enough, i find A4's a plenty in budget range, some even have in the detail that the steering wheel is indeed heated. On calling multiple sellers, they tell me that that accessory is not present and that it must have been an error somewhere along the line due to keyed input or maybe the way the website pulls data from somewhere on feature details....The dealers also tell me theyve never seen this feature on the A4's [B6,B7] Next, i decide to look at some online `quick user guides` and can find no illustration of the heated steering wheel switch I do some google image searches and what i do find is that some A4's have a switch, on the rear of a four spoke steering wheel, which is for the heated steering wheel.....however, all images found are not from cars in the UK 8( So thats where i am.....hopin you guys may be able to help me out here. In short, Can anyone tell me if a heated steering wheel was ever an option on the A4 [B6 or B7] in the UK market please? PS...Gloves are of course a quick and easy solution, and she does wear them in winter, but would rather not in summer if possible PPS...would rather not go for any aftermarket solution...Would much prefer the feature be there as installed by Audi. Thanks very much in advance for any info offered. Terry
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