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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/23/2023 in Posts

  1. Hi All, I got in contact with Schaefer/LUK and they were no help, wouldn’t give any details… I was curious to see if their aftermarket 0B2105266S equivalent would be a fit, but they were adamant it wasn’t and wouldn’t be under warranty if fitted… they said they don’t manufacture a 0B2105266T for the aftermarket I have asked Vaico for their specs on the flywheel but am yet to hear back. Btw this isn’t an option for their flywheel as it’s around £2k… when I can get the VAG for less…just hoping for some specs to compare to. I haven’t had the flywheel out yet, as it’s not a job i could do personally.. however I would feel confident comparing two against each other if I had them in hand I have just been taking it steady with the car, the slip is occasionally happening in 2nd now so not much time left… there is no rattling or worrying noises… just the slipping and odd judder from 1st gear which can be common. An option I’ve been toying with is buying the VAG flywheel and the 0B2105266S equivalent and comparing when the flywheel is out with the mechanic… would be good to shed some light on it as there isn’t much online. just luck of the draw with this model/time of manufacture by the looks of it! May have to bite the bullet, but I’m not giving up yet 🙂 l will keep you posted! Alex
    2 points
  2. Of course I know I have to press the brake to engage the electronic parking brake, which I always do... The thing is the button with the P symbol on it which you use for the parking brake won't depress down like something is blocking it but pulling it up works normally, I was afraid I couldn't start moving at all but I could somehow, that is suspicious to me as why and I got the yellow warning for parking brake malfunction
    1 point
  3. Thanks Dan - we thought that it was a sodium-based substance as well, but my son has solved it for me - last weekend I refilled with Adblue and left the 'empty' container on the front seat over night, which must have leaked. Photos found on Reddit shows that Adblue creates white powder and crystals if not cleared up. I should have realised this as I've ruined more than one pair of shoes with this stuff when filling the car!
    1 point
  4. Hi Tony glad its sorted, you won't necessarily get bulbs as often the effect you got is caused by bad fluid that is well past its sell by date, brake fluid is hygroscopic which means it absorbs water via the master cylinder cap vent and needs to be changed every 30k or two years this clears all the debris from the ABS seals and any water, I always use Comma ESP it isn't cheap but its very good and contains a corrosion inhibitor which helps stop the pistons seizing in the callipers Steve.
    1 point
  5. Had to bleed the whole system through before I could get a pedal, not a single air bubble but it worked after bleeding.
    1 point
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