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Posts posted by PeteB

  1. Hurrah! Friday!!!

    Caz has a 1am bell to start at 02:30 and back in bed for 08:30 - I might be there too, hopefully....

    I had an hour drive up to Tuxford to collect a trailer then a 2 hour drive to Alcester. I think I spoke on the phone for most of the way! After a chase about the factory and chit chat, I left at 12:30 to get to Hay on Wye, lovely countryside and houses etc but got to stay focused on generating sales! The chap I went to see has one of ours and one of theirs, which he intends to replace. The workers chose another one of theirs which is a shame - but that is sales! Some you win and some you loose! Good thing is that when he expands again, he will go for ours as he likes 'the cut of out cloth'...

    The drive home to Shepshed from Hay, via Leintwardine, Craven Arms, Shrewsbury, Cannock, Tamworth and up the A42, passed by at a steady 50 or 60 mph and burned a load of AdBlue!

  2. A long and often trying day - it is that period that we all go through where everything is out of synchronicity!

    Caz got back before 5 and I left at six! She has now gone home to spend a few days there so I can watch what I want etc! Although, i got some homework to catch up on - expenses are overdue etc!

    I got to Keswick just before 10 and the demo went well although, I felt that the hex had been put on us by someone - the customer actually said, 'I feel better for seeing it in the flesh and am pleased that it worked well - you shouldn't believe everything that people tell you'. They left me hanging! The dealer's Rep had heard that our competitors or one of their customers had been slinging some mud about us and our products. I find it frankly galing when people don't 'sell' their product but try to put doubt in place by doing their competitors down - worse form of salemanship out! I occasionally get asked what I think of this make/model and my stock response is along the lines of 'they do things their way and we do ours this way and I sell these, so I won't comment on them or their dealers!'

    I had tried to collect a trailer from another dealer but had to make several stops to sort stuff out by phone, or send a couple of emails, so missed the last call! That has added a few hours to my tomorrow already.

    One thing that I'm trying to deal with is my lemon of a 56 plate Q7 - brought it in August and the electrical goblins have set in - no MMI, comms ecu fried and blown suspension compressor, faulty aircon, powerfold mirrors that don't, heated seats that don't  and a long list of fault codes coming up.The outfit that I brought it off are trying to tell me that they are not responsible and that trading standards will back them up etc. We will see.....I feel that as an Audi specialist confirms that it was broken when I brought it, they have indeed, sold me a lemon. Unwittingly or unknowingly, it matters little, it was not as described or fit for sale, and I walked straight in! I am very disappointing in it as a car and don't know if I will bother with another if this ends with a refund....

  3. Just walked in after leaving the house at 8 this morning. Caz is away to do the night shift, she'll be back at around 05:00 and I got to get up and go for six! Tom here having stripped this subaru engine in order to get it decked, honed, webbed etc to take big HP, I think the cudos of 'built, not brought!' is playing a hand. Blue printing an engine is a tough thing to do....

    Managed to get the 6 small units to Wakefield without drama, glad to see that, while they have shuffled on the trailer, they had not clashed! A damage free delivery is a pleasurable thing....

    Of to see a customer in Stamford Bridge who has a large hire fleet of chippers and is also a competitor as he is an agent for an imported make. He isn't happy with theirs and feels that their is no future with them at the moment so gave me an order for one of mine! It'll go into his hire fleet and then he will sell it to make room for another! The king of customer I like....He is a cash rich sort of company and like to do tarmac rallies for fun. While I have know him, he has had a MK2 Escort with a Millington lump, a Darian with a Millington Diamond, a Proton 4x4 and now another Darian with another Diamond. It is automotive art! right down to the gold panels in the engine bay to reflect heat! It is painted in a deep metallic blue which is otherwsie seen in the Audi R8 catalogue. He was telling me that he struggled with the sequential 'box as it didn't rev on the downshift and he game third  in his last outing. The programme didn't have this faciltity as other buyers blipped the throttle instead of the electrics doing it in time with e shift! I had a ride in the last one and it put a smile on your face and sweat in your palms! The induction noise was awesome too!

    Then home via another dealer as they have a machine I need for demo in Keswick tomorrow - meaning an early start. Tom and I will eat a curry, then he will watch drivel while I email folk with plans, info on used kit and usual reps rubbish!

  4. Trying start to the day - went over to Sleaford to pick up a little trailed machine then back to the Factory via a quick stop at mine to do an email and grab an quick sandwich. The trip to Sleaford and back was mainly taken up with a variety of difficult phone calls - 40 in all! People who having not got the parts they ordered or the wrong parts delivered, people with broken machines and how to fix them, trucks with blown engines, deliveries gone wrong, paperwork incorrect on foreign machines blah blah blah! At one time, I had missed 18 emails and 37 calls from the factory from five people trying to get hold of me - impatiently pressing speed dial I guess!

    Several people want emails doing while I'm out on site and I've had to give a trade show a swerve to free up another day out in the field too.

    Back to the factory, I had a box with two packages of flax, sent from a potential purchaser in India to put through a machine to see how it comes out. They want one unit which cost £4,730 + vat, ex works. I tried this stuff and comes out far too course, so a waste of time again. We have people ask about units for chopping tobacco, smashing up apples for cider, Maize for cattle feed, shell fish, chickens, plastic pipes, car bumpers - all kinds of stuff, but they all want to ave a go with their product and some are worth a trial but others are a definite 'No!'.

    I then had to load 6 small units on a trailer to take to one client in Wakefield tomorrow - these things aren't easy to strap down and tend to 'move', I hope that they get there undamaged! As often happens, someone else uses the trailer and it comes back without the winch remote and a broken clamp - typical times!

    Discovered that Jayde, a 20something lass in the office is working her notice, that is a shame for us. Not to everyone's taste as she could be a little course at times, but I enjoyed her company and grateful for her humour and fun side, will miss her. She had to multitask various jobs and quite often got 'put on' but she managed most of the time. An attractive young girl too - she and I rolled eyes at each other when Drawing Office staff of others were obviously distracted by her decolletage! Hope the replacement is as much fun and as competent!

    Caz is due home from an evening shift so we will dine together and get to bed together, at a sensible time for a change!

  5. Went to Dronfield to meet a couple of young and eager tree blokes who had started to vocal on social media about a chipper of ours and getting it fixed etc. They had acquired a 15 year old thing which has been worked hard by several people and ended up with them for £5k, and then getting it serviced and a few jobs done of their choice cost another £2k. They felt that they had been wronged! I went to see it and I sold it to a firm in Cardiff when new. It had several mechanical issues looming and they can be dear to keep then. I hoped that a few words of encouragement and wisdom have halted the Soc Med scrum and slagfest. But, today, this would be a £30k machine, and fifteen years is a long time for a front line contractors unit and things do wear out! When people start to cut corners in maintenance then a sudden bill will hurt.....

    Caz and I were due in the bank to set up a joint account having sorted an account online. Were a bit bemused to get there to be told that we cannot do it until I have had the account card through the post, why they didn't tell me to hang on is beyond me. Afterall, they have our email address's etc....

    Last few hours of the afternoon were a whirlwind of phone calls and emails but now is the time to flop in front of the box. Caz isn't at work until late aft so it is good time together! Mind, I'll laugh tomorrow as she went circuit training at the gym for the first time - she'll struggle to walk tomorrow! He He He!

  6. Caz went off bat 03:30 and came back at 10. Thank you technology for automatically setting the clocks as I had forgotten all about that!

    I have a long term issue with a couple of discs trying to pop out and they are beginning to tweak a bit, so not done a great deal today! Started the house chores but stopped for her to have a nap, finished the ironing and the others after she woke up.

    I did formulate and send the email to the garage I brought the Q7 from. It appears that I did get sold a lemon and it cost in the order of £4k plus to sort out a load of ECU issues, new air suspension pump and MMI. I would like to think that they will 'man up' and have it back. So disappointed neither it that I may get something else! Best look into an S6 maybe...

    Caz in bed again as the bells ring at 01:00, she has decided to do two nights followed by 6 off with whatever overtime they can offer in the terminal seeing to the public stuff, we might see each other more too

  7. Caz is at work again so I got the domestic chores at mine to do as well as some stuff to see to at hers.

    The Grey Fergie had to be started and moved from the position is has been in for the 7 years that I can remember and moved into a shed. I don't think it has had many night under cover and really does need some TLC, the brakes don't work and the clutch judders with oil contamination, the fuel and carb are wrong and the electrics are shot! Plus the various oil leaks......

    I also put various bits of garden maintenance stuff into the shed - something nobody else seems to think worthwhile doing which bugs me! I had intended to put away the wooden garden furniture too but that will have to wait to another weekend.

    I also used some 'Live Line' pruning rods to cut back a Weeping Willow away from a phone line and also from over the tops of the cars. These rods are about 1m long and 5cm across, hollow and made from fibreglass. They slot together and can come with a hook to pull things, a parrots beak clipper to cut things and a pruning saw to cut the bigger things. These rods are tested and certified to not carry a current and can be rested on a 33,000 volt cable without drama! Back in my previous life, I had a couple of hundred of these to make up 6 sets (25/30 in each bag) for use clearing trees from overhead lines. Each section is over £15 per length, the clippers in excess of £100 and the saw is around £50 - so a set is a dear tool but necessary. As a Yoof, I would use these all day around the cables, sometimes with 15 sections slotted together and it bending like a fishing rod with a big one on the hook! I borrowed these from a customer as my climbing skills have gone and I didn't want it to end with a triumph of ambition over ability!

    I took the dog for a walk along the lane and turned around as it was bitterly cold and beginning to rain. It transpires that the local 'gunsmoke and bulldust' folk were shooting down there and we may have jeopardised their fun! However, we did not raise any Pheasants, so if there was nought to shoot then I'm not to blame.

    Home in time to watch the last half of the rugby match - Tigers lost but it was a spirited showing.

    Caz is back from work and she is fuming, she got told off for not wearing the baggy horrible issue trousers (1 pair to last all week) and some other misdemeanour by some horrible old hag who likes to throw weight around - she is part of the team that twice in the recent past have had to  stop a flight from leaving as they cocked up on the search!

    Caz is back now and having a quick nap - I'll best start to make the Lamb Madras for supper. Enjoy your evening folks.

  8. I set out to drop the big trailer and collect a chipper then visit one place in Leicester and three in Derbyshire. Managed only one thing! Infuriating! The trip to the office entailed various distractions so Ieft there later than I wanted. I only managed to get the one visit done. The unit I went to pick up was damaged, some one had tipped it over. Apparently, people knew but took it on themselves not to tell anyone else bar the Service crew! Now I got to explain to my client why the demo unit is battered! Not impressed....It should have been recorded on the Demo Unit Diary but they decided not to share that info.

    I thought that another customer wanted a spare dropping off, but he wanted me to fit it! I checked the blades and they needed changing and they had another unit that had issues and needed a fettle! I thought that a quick drop then dinner would be in order but I left there at 4!

    The next chap I was doing a goodwill visit hired a machine from one of my dealers only to have his lads crash it within the hour! So I gave him a swerve....let the dust settle first.

    Caz is off at 04:00 so is in bed and I'm with a glass of Chardonnay in front of the box. It seems that she is going to go on two nights permanently with overtime for other days too! Odd job!!!

  9. You are right Gareth - and I too wish the young listened to the old, or even the slightly older. After-all, we have made the mistakes and hope that they learn from ours and don't do the same. But they don't.

    Caz is a wonderful person, kind, intelligent and hard working - always has done and always will do. In real terms, she works harder than me and is a lot more intelligent, an Economics degree and a Law degree under her belt, but, a young family and then being single, has meant that she 'missed her window'. There are few opportunities in rural North Nottinghamshire for a high paying gig too.....When I first met her, she worked in a bakery/butchery/farm shop where she was on good terms with the owner and helped him make his championship winning pork pies, sausages and other stuff. I was amazed that she would do 12-16hours a day for six or seven days a week on the run up to Xmas without having a sense of humour failure!

    I was in Forfar this monring to drop a machine off at the dealers then came hustling back via a customers spot near Kinross, a quick meeting with a local Rep and a few phone calls and then continuing the drive south. I feel a little disappointed that the chap I had done a demo to in Kinross would appear to be avoiding us, and certainly, there was a competitors machine in the shed but he was unavailable for comment. I got to admit that the the demo was a sight to behold, brilliant, even he said that he was amazed at where my machine could go and what it would chip. Maybe our 8-10 week delivery screwed us up! I had lined him up for trials with a prototype off road carrier but he is being a little shy now.

    I left the area at approximately 12:30 and drove at 60mph to Berwick and had the obligatory tacho break of 45 minutes. Then carried on, and on, and on. Sometimes at 60 and sometimes at 50. Thanks to traffic on the M1 at Sheffield, this affecting the traffic on the A1, M18 and so I got in at 19:50. I got a list of stuff that needs to be done from a desk but have already promised to do too much tomorrow, including pressing palms with a retiring fitter at Derby City Council. That grumpy old git was always listened too! I also said yes to a visit to see someone with an obsolete machine from another stable that isn't imported anymore - I cannot I just say no to helping folk!?!

    Night All!


  10. She crawled into bed at 5, I went back to sleep and woke with a start at 7! Rare for me to do that! They had another trauma at the Airport, same shift supervisors had some folk bypass them again - another cancelled flight and the knock on effect! She was away in a check point checking incoming vehicles to DHL or UPS so not involved!

    Met my dealer at Bishop Auckland, we are going to arrange to team up for a couple of days and stir the pot with cold calling and visits etc. I like getting back down to doing this kind of stuff - talking to people who are the buyers!

    Had some bad news though, the dealer in Newcastle has had a tragic accident in their yard and their lorry driver died. He drove an Artic unit with a long, low loader trailer. He had a problem with a hydraulic hose that lifted one of the ramps into the vertical position, he changed the hose and went to check that it worked okay and it appears that the ram had no oil in it and the ramp came down on top of him. No one knew it had happened until the last man to leave the depot went to say goodbye and found him. Awful, truly awful. Good bloke, conscientious and hard working, would help anyone with anything, done the job for many years, young family etc....Tragic.

    I had to get to a hotel in Dundee following Newcastle - my nose said to carry on up the A1 to Edinburgh, across the bridge and up past Kinross etc. The satnag said to go west to Carlisle, Glasgow then Perth onwards. Last time I ignored the satnag, she was right and I was delayed hours but doing three sides of a square didn't feel right. Anyhow, went that way, into a vicious head wind and got the Ranger down to 16.6mpg! I'm towing about 1750kg so was disturbed at that! I noticed that I was dragging some smoke a couple of times today - hope she is okay, 5 months old and 25k miles only!

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