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Posts posted by tommyboy40

  1. Top has had a decent drenching with Gtechniq I1. It does stink a bit but shouldn’t need to be touched again until next summer. I’ll have it folded when I’m mopping the bodywork to avoid any splatter


  2. 48 minutes ago, Steve Q said:

    Drain holes are under the battery. I've had this on my a6 as well as the pollen filter housing cracking. Both causing water into the footwells. Needless to say a new ccm is on my list of jobs. 

    Cheers Steve. So battery needs to come out to check drains. How accessible is the pollen filter? I'd rather not have to replace the ccm module and would like to do all I can to prevent leaks. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Steve Q said:

    Wow out have been busy! Not going to lie keep an older Audi on the road can be a costly affair but well worth it in my opinion 🙂

    The clutch is being done as part of the sale so it's not costing me anything. My last car had 16 spark plugs and cost almost a grand for a set of tyres and €1400 for a shock so this should be considerably cheaper. It has had the timing belt and water pump done in January. I also could never own a car without deep cleaning it and doing as much preventative maintenance as possible. on the subject, I've heard a lot about the comfort module being damaged by water ingress into the passenger footwell, something about the trim around the battery not being replaced properly. Could anyone clarify where the drain holes at the scuttle are and what to watch out for?

  4. As a new owner I'm no expert but have a look at the trim for sale on eBay and look at the clips. Getting the cable to the A pillar will be straightforward and from the photos, it looks like there may be 2 bolts/screws at the top. Otherwise the A pillar trim is held in by push clips. Do yourself a favour and buy a set of trim tools, you are much less likely to damage the trim and it's way easier than trying to use  a screwdriver. something like this is perfect https://www.amazon.co.uk/UTOOL-Removal-Including-Fasterner-Drawstring/dp/B08M5YHJFJ/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=1UDKQ37KBUZVJ&dchild=1&keywords=car+trim+removal+kit&qid=1630525254&sprefix=car+trim%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzVEpNWUdKSFBMWUxUJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTMzMDgwMzdJVEdNUkZHRE1RUiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNzYyMTg4MUpYQVFHRllSMEFVOSZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=


    Screenshot 2021-09-01 at 20.36.36.png

  5. I didn't mention that I gave the top a good vacuum first. I used the wet & dry to remove as much of the W2 as possible then drenched the whole lot with the sprayer and again, used the wet & dry. I repeated this several times until the water was mostly clear. Attached photos show a 50:50, the gunk removed from the first pass and a shot of the top when I was done. Obviously, soft tops always look good when wet so I'll have a look in the morning and touch up any remaining stains. 




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  6. So I decided to make a start on the soft top. It looks much worse in the photos than in real life. it looks like a waxy hand was rested in places when the car was cleaned. I'm using a 5:1 dilution of Gtechniq W2 and the smallest wet & dry vac ever. The large spray is for rinsing. I soaked the top with the W2 solution and gave it a gentle scrubbing with a soft bristled brush. I wasn't especially worried about the run off on the bodywork as I plan to mop the whole car. 





  7. The garage is still waiting for the correct clutch to arrive so it looks a bit like this at the moment. Lots of evidence of a car that wasn't washed properly.

    As you can see from the last photo, it's missing the black piece of trim under the bumper. Anyone got part numbers? Is there an online parts system I can check for free?







  8. Mods, please let me know if this is the wrong section.

    As I mentioned in my newbie intro, I'm a first time Audi owner. I'm also a little obsessive about how I keep my car and really enjoy having it perfect.

    It's still not ready for collection as it's having a clutch fitted (little old lady owned it from new) but I've been busy and found these. 

    First job to do will be a serious clean and proof of the top followed by de tar and clay followed by a quick mop. I'll be updating they thread with some of the various stages of the process




  9. Be extremely careful with a powerhouse and keep it away from the soft top. I have used the autoglym cleaner and it’s fine but the gtechniq products are amazing. The proofers can leave marks on the bodywork which are a pain to remove. Always clean and proof before the winter, it helps stop mould which will always grow with our climate

  10. Hi chaps and chapettes. I picked up a 07 reg B7 cabrio with the 1.8 and 45,000 miles today. Silver with burgundy leather. Longtime old Merc driver but the rona has forced me to get rid of the V8 in favour of something reasonable but still fun. Road tax is €634 instead of €1850. I do have a million questions but I'll start with the basics;

    There's an old type iPod connector in the glovebox, can it be updated easily? The car does have a line in which allows me to play music from my phone through a CD input

    I'm a sucker for wood trim (I know, I know) and my car has the silver version so if anyone fancies a trade of some sort, let me know. I'll post some pictures as soon as I've giver it a serious detail

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