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Everything posted by Steph1234

  1. Hello, I haven’t had anything in writing apart an email to say this is the part number of the affected alternators ‘alternator 4N0 903 028’. However, Bristol Audi still won’t tell me what part number my A3 needs so I’m unable to check. They also won’t acknowledge it had failed before whilst it was in warranty. I have also complained to the motor ombudsman (but could be waiting months) and am happy for you to quote my name to them to back up there is a problem Audi are failing to take responsibility for. The more people that get in touch will surely help fight our case. I have now had a letter to say I have to pay £90 a day for the car to stay at Audi if I continue to fight my case and don’t want to pay 2k for the repair! I think my fight may be over but I’ll be paying it with the writing ‘paying in protest’ to try and help my case if I try to claim it back. Best of luck.
  2. Thank you so so much for your help I really appreciate it. This is only my first Audi.
  3. So sorry to hear you’re still having so much trouble. I am more than happy to support any complaints with you. I am astonished at their lack of support and disingenuousness. I bet there are so many people in the same boat as we are!
  4. What a frustrating reply! They don’t want to take ownership by the sounds of it. I would like to write to the executives at Audi too, to complain not only for the poor customer service and the battle we are all having but also to back up your concerns that they’re not taking the safety element seriously that a key component to a car are failing so quickly in young, low mileage cars. I wonder how many of us it would take to actually make them listen and respond appropriately!?
  5. I rang Bath Audi and you won’t believe it, Simon left last week. They did say someone from his team will call me back. Bristol Audi have emailed me to say ‘Q7is the only car that is covered on this 7yr extension. Audi Uk said last week there is still nothing they can do as Bristol are refusing to support me. I have now rang Audi uk back today to say Bristol have given me false information as I know it is not just the Q7 models. Funnily enough they haven’t called back when they said they would. I would like to write to the executives at Audi to complain not only for the poor customer service but also to back up your concerns that they’re not taking the safety element seriously that a key component to a car are failing so quickly in young, low mileage cars.
  6. Thank you so much for your help I really appreciate it, feel like I’ve hit a brick wall with Bristol. I’ll give Bath a call tomorrow. Thank you so much
  7. My case relations manager who is handling my case has now gone on holiday and they’ve told me no one else can help me til he’s back! I’ll keep pushing to find out about this warrant, thank you. Who was your dealer? Thank you so much for your help!
  8. Thank you for your help. Audi UK said they can’t help me as Audi Bristol won’t support me as I’m out of warranty. Hope you get your issues sorted.
  9. I don’t blame you, I hope you get an answer soon it’s frustrating they don’t seem to be taking responsibility for this issue. I can’t get Bristol Audi to budge as they are adamant there is no known fault and the 7yr warranty on 48v system alternators are only for Q7 so I have to pay the full amount as I own an A3. Audi UK have said there is nothing they can do. I hope you have more luck with them than I have.
  10. Yes it does have a mild hybrid 48v system. Is there any way I can prove it is covered by the 7 year extension. Would you mind telling me how long ago Audi Bath repaired yours? Bristol are still saying no today, not sure whether I’m fighting a losing battle. Thank you for your help really appreciate it.
  11. Thank you for this. I’ve been told that by Bristol, Audi A3s aren’t covered and it’s only Q7s that have an extended 7year warranty. I don’t know if this is the case? They are refusing to help me as I hadn’t had my latest services at their branch and I’m out of warranty by 5 months. They’re also saying I may need to pay for a new battery as well as a 2k alternator. I’m glad yours was able to be repaired.
  12. Hello, I have the same issue. How can I access the US bulletin on this? Many thanks for your help
  13. Hi, my alternator has failed (4/5months out of warranty and only on 14k miles so they won’t pay out). Did Audi confirm your alternator was covered for 7years or the new one they’ve fitted? I’m clutching at straws as also need a new battery too as the alternator wrecked mine and they want 2k just for the alternator. Thanks in advance for any help or advice.
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