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Posts posted by WPAWS

  1. 13 hours ago, WelshSue said:

    I'm sorry to leave the Group,I've received some great help,but I don't have the money to keep throwing at the Car.

    Sorry to see you go too but at least you had the right mindset to know when enough is a enough hope you enjoy your new car :yahoo:

  2. Been a nice humid afternoon so hit the wine :yahoo:

    brought this lovely chardonnay from local co-op @ £5 a bottle and have to say its nice not sharp just fruity in taste, goes down well in the sun 🙂 


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  3. 7 minutes ago, JQ5 said:

    I didn’t mention the tracker on my car registered them driving the car at 85mph on 30mph roads

    What cowboys have your car, i would confront them and take your car out of their hands and find a trustworthy garage as soon as possible i would not let them do any work and if they want payment for work already done show them 2 fingers

  4. 2 hours ago, Martyn85 said:

    dpf remove

    under new MOT rules any vehicle with a tampered or removed DPF  will fail its MOT a new DPF will need to be fitted if you fail and thats not cheap

    4. Diesel vehicle emissions
    There are now stricter limits for emissions from diesel cars with a diesel particulate filter (DPF).

    You must test vehicles to the manufacturer’s plate value (when present), or a new lower default limit for newer vehicles.

    You must also give a major fault if you:

    can see smoke of any colour coming from the exhaust
    find evidence that the DPF has been tampered with

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