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Everything posted by NinjaDaz

  1. This might be better to navigate. http://www.jimellisaudiparts.com/cars/Audi/2010/A3/Body--Interior-and-Systems/A3-parts.html
  2. Is it 3 or 5 door? Looks like a 5. Looking at picture can presume nearside rear. Dont know if this is of any use. Just need to identify the panel a bit more. You might be able to search individual product codes to check that it is the part. https://www.partslink24.com/vwag/audi_parts/group.action?catalogMarket=RDW&episType=646&familyKey=91159&lang=en&localMarketOnly=true&maingroup=8&modelYear=2010&ordinalNumber=2&partDetailsMarket=RDW&restriction1=92388&startup=false&mode=K00U0DEXX&upds=1157
  3. I like the Pioneer DA-120. http://www.trustedreviews.com/apple-carplay-review It has all the features that I need. Google maps becomes Sat Nav. Siri request button. The only problem I find is the voice recognition has trouble recognising certain phonebook entries when requesting numbers to call.
  4. I think what put me off with blanking off the EGR was that I read somewhere that Euro legislation was going to come in even stricter stating that cars that were originally fitted with certain devices EGR, DPF had to have them installed for the vehicle to pass the MOT etc. Could have been rubbish but made me think differently.
  5. EGR's are a pain. I went into limp mode with coil light flashing about 6 months ago and did a scan. EGR fault due to condensation into the electrical part. Changed for a 'tested' reconditioned item and was OK for a week then limp mode again. This time DPF fault. Would have been ££££££'s to get repaired . Worked out the EGR that I installed was also faulty and tranferred a fault code to the DPF. Replaced EGR and everything fine since. Did consider blanking off at one point.
  6. Probably horse people on forum but none the less, here we go!! Horse riders that insist on going for a stroll on roads with national speed limits then glare at you for going more than 5 mph past them. Horseriders that ride side by side so that they can chat taking all the time in the world knowing that you are behind them and unable to overtake and do nothing about it.
  7. Looks really good The finish has come out quality by the looks of it. Was it the aerosol cans you used or one of the other products, Earlex machine or the glass jar ones?
  8. My list is going to be long! Overpaid TV presenters, Lorraine Kelly, Jonathan Woss etc etc etc Greengrocers that think they're TV presenters. Greg Wallace Loud TV presenters who feel that they need to shout at the end of each sentence. Davina McCall being a main culprit Coat Hangers, because they frustrate me. Trying to pull stuff off or you can't pick one up without it being like a Monkey puzzle. So called comedians that think they're comedians. Lenny Henry, Phil Jupitus, Alan Davies Chart music, because it's churned out to gullible youth to extort their money. Believe me, the list is endless.
  9. OMG where do I start! Nice cars Motorbikes Craft beers, really got into them recently. Good music in car (which can only be appreciated when on my own) otherwise its turned right down. Battlefield 1 Vietnamese food, Yumsk!! Coastal walks with the Dog.
  10. Put 25 litres of petrol in a brand new diesel Astra. Ran it a mile to the nearest Vauxhall dealers where it juddered to a stop on the forecourt. They drained and cleaned the system and was OK after a couple of hours of rough running. Lucky really I suppose as it was the wifes company car so wasnt overly concerned. When I think I could have caused a lot of damage just by starting it up in the first place. I did put about 5 litres of diesel in an E reg Vauxhall Cavalier once abpout 20 years ago. I just topped up with petrol. It actually felt that it ran better. It felt torquier. The engines were not such finely developed lumps back then and could take minor issues like that I suppose.
  11. Agree with that. Heated grips help but once the salt gets chucked about the bike stays in the garage. The roads just get so slippery/greasy with the stuff and it totally strips your chain of any lube protection and goes rusty in next to no time. Not so much of a problem for yours though as shaft drive I think.
  12. I was told by someone recently that it also works well on shower screens. Saves having to squeegy down especially in hard water areas to prevent limescale build up which is a pain to clean off. I can't see why it won't work. Thats my top tip of the day
  13. I put Rainbows in my van so thinking about some for the A3. Theyre not cheap but they give excellent deep sound, when im not listening to Radio 4 :-D
  14. Really enjoying it thanks. Handles really well and got the power. Only let down is the audo package. Need to change to a nice double din unit.
  15. Sold our Passat tdi sport to our lad recently so got the A3 Sportback to replace it. VW Transporter T5.1 for daily drive. Kawasaki ZX10R for the busy times and fun journeys.
  16. I like the Shell V+. I do feel that it is doing my engine good, feels more responsive, better mpg and makes the diesel lump sound better/quieter. When I had a remap done it had V+ in so will not use anything else if I can help it. Yes, supermarket fuels are cheaper but at what cost at the end of the day. Bit of a false economy in my opinion.
  17. I think that there was a problem with the A3 rear wiper motors failing. The washer tube ran through the housing and had possible leak issues into the motor. I suppose cheaper option was to remove.
  18. Does look good. I remember when I used the 2 stage application of rainX about 18 years back with scepticism.. I was driving down the A34 in torrential rain. All the cars around me had their wipers on max speed and I never had mine on at all and was clear as anything. Not sure how long it lasted though. Might give this stuff a try! Looks as if it helps de-ice as well. Handy for this time of year.
  19. Hi All Just a quick Hi New member, Not new to VAG's as pretty much always had VW's but just got my first Audi. A3 Sportback 2.0. I'll now try and find my way around the forums. All the best. Daren
  20. My 57 2.0 Passat does the same whistle/whine on accelaration and always has done. The amount of times I've looked in the rear view mirror think that their must be police behind me . I've scanned it numerous amount of times with no fault. It has now done nearly 60000 since I've owned it with no problems at all. No loss of power/performance.
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