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A7 Non Starter issues


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Hi guys,聽

I鈥檓 after some advice as a new member, 聽back in Jan/Feb this year I got my car re-mapped (馃槖) stage1 De-Cat, DPF Delete, EGR, 聽few weeks later car started to produce small black smoke which is it be expected with the de-cat & DPF delete, 聽then as time went on few weeks past a lot of thick black smoke then the car cut out, 聽since then we鈥檝e been unable to get it running again, 聽NO Codes from the ECU at all, we have drained the fuel out of the car and put new fuel in due to the car being sat for (5 months) due to be working abroad, 聽came back started working on the car again, finally got it started and got this (pic below) soon as you take you鈥檙e foot off the accelerator she dies again.聽

some say ECU issues, Fuel Filter issues聽

2012 plate, Full service history, 173,000 馃憖 (motorway mileage)聽

any suggestions on where to go from here as I鈥檓 not fully upto speed on the mechanical side.聽

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