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Engine Vibration


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I have a 2.0tdi A4 convertable, i recently had the turbo go causing a high oil pressure. It went into a local garage as I could not afford Audi (but wished i did now). The garage replaced the turbo but found the oil pump failed which caused the damage, So I had the pump replaced.

On the return of the car it sounded deeper than before and just didnt feel right. It was vibrating on the pedals, steering wheel and gear lever. The car went back to the garage they confirmed yes there was a vibrating people and put it down to a engine mount, well its not repaired it and now the engine management light has come on.

The garage has basically no clue and await a new technician to start who could throw some light on to this. I would take it elsewhere but then have to go through the process if proved against the garage legal action.

So anyone who has come across this would be grateful for your advice.

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