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Everything posted by Trevor

  1. Hi Jesper...welcome to the Club! Let us know how you get on with this...I think others would quite like to follow you on that one! Anyone been here before and know the solution? Cheers, Trevor - Admin
  2. It sounds like the door latch mechanism is faulty if the door warning lamp is constantly on. The door lock barrel should come out okay from inside with little problem. The key fob issue is one that has been discussed on here many times before as common fault....see this link: http://www.programyourkeys.com/program_car_keys_-_audi.html
  3. Hi Paul...welcome to the Forum! Not sure personally how to activate all the settings on your MMI however, there is loads of videos on youtube on how to set it up https://uk.video.search.yahoo.com/search/video;_ylt=A9mSs2UG6KlXHXsAKA5LBQx.;_ylu=X3oDMTByZmVxM3N0BGNvbG8DaXIyBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=Audi+Mmi+3g+Playing+Bluetooth+Music&fr=mcafee Let us know how you get on with it Cheers, Trevor - Admin
  4. Hi Kenneth...welcome to the Club! It sounds like a Crankshaft Sensor if the engines turning but not firing as the sensor feeds info to the ECU to control spark and fuel so if you're not getting those then it won't run. Worth checking for a scope waveform or live data from the sensor before condemning though. Let us know how you get on with it Cheers Trevor - Admin
  5. I think I'm still torn between the two...the blue looks fresh but as you say the grey looks classier.
  6. Hi Sikandar...welcome to the Forum! Not entirely sure whether the parts are interchangeable but I would imagine that most of the external body parts are similar. Anyone know for sure?
  7. Hi Anton...welcome to the Forum! Definitely ABS sensor or wiring fault. Worth checking the resistance of all the sensors before replacing as sometimes it is just poor connectors or wiring and nothing wrong with the sensor itself. Let us know how you get on with it Cheers Trevor - Admin
  8. Hi Invar...welcome to the Forum! Can anyone local help him with the SatNav maps? I'm currently running 2007 maps on my Honda CR-V and its surprising how few roads have changed in the UK but abroad...well that's totally different! Let us know how you get on with it Cheers, Trevor
  9. Trevor


    Like the Cherries logo on the number plate
  10. Hi Josh...welcome to the Club! To start with....I would look at the basics of rebuilding any engine....which is: if you want performance its gonna cost you money...how fast can you afford to go? Secondly, cleanliness is next to godliness when it comes to rebuilding an engine...so make sure the environment is totally clean and cover the engine over when not working on it. Tools, I think you'll find out what you have and don't have as you go along but you will definitely need a torque wrench, piston ring compressor, and a few other basic hand tools. Lay out the components in order of removal and refit in the reverse order...if in doubt, label and photograph everything. Technical Data is a must...clearances, torques and settings are essential if you want it to stay running. Good luck with your project and definitely keep us updated of progress Cheers, Trevor - Admin
  11. Hi Gary...welcome to the Club! I think the dealer who has maintained the car should be able to supply you another Service Book and complete it with the records they hold. As for mods...colouring your calipers with any colour paint you like (yellow always looks good) is a good and cheap start Looking forward to seeing your various mods as they occur Cheers, Trevor - Admin
  12. Hi Joel...welcome to the Club! I would imagine it has to be on the High Pressure line but whereabouts it is actually located I'm not sure exactly, sorry! Got to be de-gassed and re-gassed afterwards so I would probably let the Technician worry about it Do any other members know the location?
  13. Hi Craig Oh dear! that's a tough choice...don't think I could make that choice and then live with it unless I was 100% certain. However, that said...I think I would go for the Sepang Blue with the Daytona Grey second Good luck with your choice...and let us know what you decided to go for Cheers Trevor - Admin
  14. Hi Ian...welcome to the Club! lol, not surprised you've got a smile on your face now....definitely a move in the right direction. Got any piccies of it you'd like to post up? Cheers Trevor - Admin
  15. Hi David....welcome to the Forum! I'm not entirely sure what exactly has changed since your car was sold new but I don't recall seeing anything revolutionary coming out from Audi for a while...just subtle upgrades on technology I think (emissions?). Any other members any more clued up on specs? Look forward to reading your posts in the future...and pop up a picture of your car if you like. Cheers Trevor - Admin
  16. Hi Nige....welcome to the Forum! Wow...that is a big list of 'wants' but I would imagine the car you're after is out there somewhere. The Q5 or Q7 would probably be the best choice and if you can find one with the options and with the right price/mileage/condition, etc. Servicing costs would vary on the size and type of service but a good independent garage could always maintain it a reasonable price without compromising quality. Let us know how you get on with finding your new Audi. Cheers, Trevor - Admin
  17. Hi Dean...welcome to the Forum! Wow...a GT Coupe...I haven't seen one of those in quite some time...got any pictures that you'd like to put on here of it? I think probably eBay is your best bet for locating parts....unless some other members know a good source? Cheers, Trevor - Admin
  18. Hi Chaos...welcome to the Forum! The TT is a fine motor! So many mods you can do to them. Would be interested to see what plans you have for it....keep us in the loop Cheers, Trevor - Admin
  19. Hi John...welcome to the Forum! Great looking car! What sort of problems have you had with it? Looking forward to reading your posts on here. Cheers, Trevor - Admin
  20. Hi Michael...welcome to the Forum! Good reasoning behind the choice of cars and to arrive at the conclusion of the Audi A7. It's certainly a great car and would give the Jaguar a run for its money in both performance with good economy return and also in the comfort and looks department as well. Let us know how you get on with acquiring one and would love to see some pictures of it when you do get one. Cheers, Trevor - Admin
  21. Hi D4zzy...welcome to the Club! are there many differences that you know between the Jap import and European spec A6? Look forward to reading your posts in the future Cheers, Trevor - Admin
  22. Hi Karl I believe another clip is the only way forward...they sell on eBay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/like/401156476912?clk_rvr_id=1074170563670&item=401156476912&lgeo=1&vectorid=229508&rmvSB=true Let us know how you get on with it Cheers, Trevor - Admin
  23. Trevor

    Stelvio Pass

    Plenty of twists and turns...that what we like!
  24. Hi Elliott...welcome to the Forum! What an amazing collection of Audi's ... they all look stunning. Thanks for posting up the pictures and summaries of each one...it's great to know the good and bad points of each one and how you've individually modded them. Looking forward to seeing the replacement when you get it Regards Trevor - Admin
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