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Which engine oil?

Andy Maple

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Has the spec for engine oil changed? Current checks with Castrols' website ('what oil for my car') show that my Q2 (2018, 1.4TFSI engine code CZEA) should use Castrol Edge 0W-20 LL IV for 24 months service interval, yet previously it was Castrol Edge Professional long life 5W-30 for 24months service interval....

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Hello Andrew,

Welcome, and thanks for joining. 
Re. 0w/20 vs. 5w/30, have you consulted your handbook to see what specification is recommended there?  I would take that as the bible.

Incase it helps, I have been using Quantum oil in our humble A3, over it’s now 170+K miles. 
Quantum is/was VAG’s recommended brand so I’ve always stuck with it, and my routine has been to use their Longlife grade, and change it annually, even though the car only covers approx. 7K miles in that time. 
‘24 month service schedule’? Far, far too long an interval in my book, even using Longlife oil. With the advent of stop/start etc. modern oils get a hammering, but it’s understandable that many car manufacturers use extended servicing schedules. As with crazy ( in my book) extended limits for cambelts etc, manufacturers are become less interested in revenue from servicing, and hanging their hats on the far more lucrative market of selling more vehicles, and appear to have less interest in making sure vehicles are maintained in respect to their longevity. 
Kind regards,

p.s. Quantum is believed to be a subsidiary brand of Castrol. 

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Appreciate it's a different model / model year of course. What was new to me on having an Audi was the instruction that you on my model you could fill up as much as you want if you use the specific oil mentioned on the sticker, but if you couldn't, you could only top up ONCE between oil services with something of a different viscosity that still met the standards.


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Hello Andrew,

When re-reading your initial post, I note you say ‘…yet previously it was Castrol ….5w/30 for 24 month service interval’. 
Who has been servicing this car, and what do the service invoices list as the oil used? 
What does your handbook list? - sorry to ask again. 
Kind regards,


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It was Castrols own website that previously stated 5W-30, but has now changed. Audi has previously serviced my vehcile but records /receipts etc make no mention of the oil viscoisity. I have now contacted Audi who state my oil should be 0W-20. But they didn't seem to know anything about the 'change'....

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This is getting tedious, but - again - what does the handbook specify? 
If Audi cannot give you a change date, then I would treat their reply with caution. 

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The handbook does not specify any specific viscosity, ie 5W-30. It merely mentions specs such as VW504 00 etc (see attached photo) In short , I have now ignored Audi and the Castrol website and used Castrol Edge Long Life 5W-30 fully synthetic oil and will change the oil myself every 12 months.... 

which oil.jpg

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