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New (old) Q7 owner and new to this forum!


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Evening All! This is my first post on this forum and my first Audi! We felt we needed a dog bus as the company聽 crewcab wasn't the right environment for the dog - either in the cab or the back! We both felt the need for a big 4x4 and I have had a few LandRover/Range rover models but always felt a need for an Audi! I would've been happy with an older A6 Quattro but the Q7 with 7 seats won! I'll miss the fuel side of company cars but I got fed up of trying to keep it clean etc!聽 She has a BMW Mini and I have a 1948 Hot Rod for another toy. I am involved with a tree surgeons forum having done that job but now sell wood chippers for Europe's largest manufacturer. Caz, swmbo,聽 is in Airport Security at EMA.聽 Don't upset her as she will ask that you have a special search!

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Welcome to the forum Peter, you'll find the members on here are a friendly and helpful bunch 馃檪

great to see another Leicester lad on here 馃檪

great choice of Audi, the q7 is a lovely car!聽



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Welcome to the forums:yahoo:

Nice friendly atmosphere here with plenty of Audi owners to help where they can.

Please be sure to give the forum rules a quick view


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