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Clutch burnt out


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First ever post and a rant 😞

I have had 3 or 4 Audi's and found them to be excellent in service and Quality

Unfortunately that may of changed

We bought a 19 A4 Avant, which was a Demo car. When we received the car it had done 500 miles, we then added another 20000 miles to that figure.

So from getting the car the car has clocked up 2600 miles in just under 4 Months

Audi are telling us this is not covered under the warranty as deemed as wear and tear.

When the clutch went we had no warning it was going, besides a burning smell

We have had various arguments with Audi, but unfortunately they are not budging

I am totally dismayed with Audi's response, and also question the quality of the car

After any advice, I just can't see how a clutch would go after 2600 miles


Any advice help appreciated

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Welcome to the forum, you'll find the members on here are a friendly and helpful bunch 🙂 

The clutch should not have burnt out at that mileage. I would advise you contact Audi customer relations/customer services to make a complaint. It might be worth you contacting the Motoring Ombudsman. Here's a link via what car: 


Think what car also take on cases which aren't being dealt with correctly so might be worth contacting them. 



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Hello ?,

Sorry to hear of your issue with this fairly new car. From your description, I would hazard a guess that this issue may have been caused by a faulty clutch release bearing assembly, but of course, the full story will not be evident until it is stripped. 

Whatever, Audi have to ask themselves whether a car which has covered only 2,600 miles (take it your earlier ref. to additional 20,000 miles is a typo?) has proved to be fit for purpose. One would expect that they cannot claim that in your case.

If (in caps) Audi fail to honour the repair under warranty then I would be informing the selling dealer -in writing - that you will be getting the car repaired at another main dealer and will be requesting a report on the condition of the clutch assembly, which you will pass to them, together with the full repair bill for their reimbursement of the charges paid by you. Also inform them that should they still maintain that they will not meet that bill, then you will seek reimbursement via. the small claims court. It may be worth seeking advice from the CAB (if currently operating to any degree). 

Did you buy the car via. a finance arrangement? If so, I would be informing the finance company that the car is unfit for purpose. 

Even if Audi UK will not repair this car under warranty, then as I see it, the selling dealer has to honour any major failures which reasonably occur during the first 6 months following sale.

Perhaps you could let us know how you get on. 

Kind regards,


p.s. Although passing this to the Ombudsman may be an option, this is likely to take at least 6 weeks to resolve - during which time you will be unable to use the car - then you have to arrange repair after that. 

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I had a Golf R manual that slipped its clutch on a few occasions in sub-zero temps at 23k miles. Current VAG clutches are garbage.

However, for a clutch to stick and go at 2600 miles- that's not fair wear or abuse.

I'd expect a clutch to last a minimum of 80k miles if not abused and probably 20k miles if abused. In these days of hill-hold, I doubt many people ride their clutch at junctions any more if they have hill-hold or electronic handbrake.

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