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wow oversteer like a box of frogs.


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hi all.i've just bought an a4 cab(nice car).i went out in the wet for the first time today came up to a roundabout turned a touch right while backing a touch off the gas(not going fast at all) and the !Removed! !Removed! end shot out on me😲.i thought ok some crap on the road?.i gets to the next roundabout(ready for it this time)!Removed! same thing happens again.are they all like this or is it just mine?.all tyre pressures are fine as are the tyres..cheers spency.

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Hello Chris,

Thanks for being in touch with the forum, and for attempting to break the record for the number of expletives in one short post! - please read the forum rules. 

Anyway, back to your issue:- 

The car is new to you, and it’s handling characteristics will be different, unknown, but should be acceptable under reasonable driving styles. Looking at where you live, you too may have (uncharacteristically!) had a recent extended dry spell, followed by some heavy rain, and the roads will be more greasy than normal. 
You say you have confirmed the tyre pressures are correct - which is great - and the tyres are fine. Could I ask if you have matching brands on both axle, and what brands they are, and let us know if the wear pattern across all tyres is indeed even?

All things being acceptable there, then my next port of call would be to get all steering and suspension joints thoroughly inspected on a lift.

Kind regards,


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