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Locked Out !

ted v

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Hi, 2007 Avant 2.0 tdi, After standing for 2 weeks, my battery is completely flat, went to charge it up but she won't let me in, using the key manually doesn't work.

Any non-destructive suggestions for gaining access would be appreciated聽

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Ah,damn,聽 I did wonder after I had posted whether you'd only got a driver's lock.聽

At the risk of replying with another obvious/daft suggestion, do you have aa/rac? They might be able to get the bonnet open for you so you can charge the battery.聽

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Unfortunately not,聽 I have a mate who is a mechanic, I'll see what he can come up with after work. I did think of charging it through the tow bar socket, but its only a single so that won't work, thanks for your input anyway kev, I'll get there one way or another 馃檪

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Hello Edward,聽

Shame that Kev鈥檚 suggestions don鈥檛 work for you, and you don鈥檛 have any breakdown cover for the car( Start Rescue do cover which seems to be so cheap that you can鈥檛 afford to be without it).聽
Anyway - it鈥檚 a bit confusing about the tow socket being a complete no no. if indeed not, as it see it, removal of the undertray may allow access to a points of charging, or indeed a means of flipping the bonnet catch.聽

Let鈥檚 hope the access outcome is resolved quickly.

One it is, you either have a seriously unserviceable battery and/or a heavy parasitic drain. Obviously, these issues will need to be corrected with some urgency.聽

I just wonder if this issue has only just manifested itself, or whether you have not previously left the car unattended for two weeks, and never had any indications of such issues before -?聽

Kind regards,


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Hi Gareth, Thank you for that, The WD in the lock finally freed it off and we were eventually able to get in, it obviously hadn't been used much manually and froze.

I have a new battery on order so hopefully all should be good. Thanks to you and Kev for the input.聽聽

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Many thanks Edward.
Glad it worked out for you, and the bonus is you now have a working key lock.聽
I think I would be checking for parasitic drain once you have had your new battery fitted - just to be sure.聽
Kind regards,


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