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sshooie last won the day on May 16 2018

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  1. I had an Octavia collected a couple of weeks ago and although distanced, I watched the assessor. I feel it's important to at least let them know you are interested in their findings. They vary wildly sadly although they all comply with BVRLA guidelines some are more 'bothered' than others, we use Arval, Lex and Network Lease I sent a Golf back with a rear bumper that obviously needed replacement (split) and the charge was only a couple of hundred pounds. I sent a Caddy back with a missing parking sensor, the invoice was £12.00 !! (bizare and it even detailed what it was for, so not a typo) More recently I was in the office on a call when they came and they noted some marking to an Octavia bonnet, I went out and it was bird !Removed!, albeit a bit dollop but I wiped it off and questioned the guy, his answer was, yeah it usually etches. I used to have the cars tarted up prior to returning them, including bit's of paint as they have 90-160k on when we return but over the past few years I've stopped this and taken the hit instead and I think I'm quids in. The most I've paid is £1300 on a 155k golf with a hard life, the last one went back @ £138 and I now budget £500 per vehicle. Also remember they have it in the T's and C's that they will do a proper check back at the depot and I've had a couple of charges afterwards, but they will always send you a report with photo's of any damage etc. so take good photo's of every panel/wheel before they go. I agree it can be quite concerning but don't be afraid to question them, I have and have had bit's knocked off. The below was the last one, the dent was a trolley ding so happy @ £26 and the wheels were quite bad
  2. Hi, as per the title and advert here... https://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/202006110017871 Thanks
  3. Hi, I deal with a small (8 cars) fleet @ work and ime this wouldn't be an issue tbf, in fact I wish all ours were that good. It may be noted but I doubt they would invoice for it.
  4. I also have an upgraded sub in the boot, small and compact and the difference is great considering the relatively low cost. Just seen here on the left:
  5. I have had a 272bhp A7 for just over 2 years, it's been relatively faultless in that time and is an excellent machine. It had 32k on when I bought it and it's now showing 83k but I'm now ready for a change and it's a massive quandary as the A7 ticks so many boxes for me (main one being 4x4 and a good quiet cruiser as mine has the double glazing) I'd highly recommend them, you won't be disappointed, just look for a full SH including the gearbox (every 38k on mine)
  6. I've had my A7 for nearly 4 months now and I'm back on the auto trader looking for another 5 series, other than the quattro I preferred my 5 series in every way.
  7. Looks superb and I love the trim.
  8. sshooie

    Dart charge

    Worth speaking to the police and checking there have been no markers put on the number plate, otherwise you may get stopped.
  9. I'm similar, albeit a nicer than some tool (all cars are not the same) and I do look after my tools.
  10. I love black cars, but it was the only colour I unticked on my Autotrader etc. searches, I could never live with one. They look great for 10 minutes then a waft of dust comes along.. it would do my !Removed! in
  11. Thanks, it did, it's now had bird crap all over it (carefully soaked and removed) Not sure but I reckon silver cars attract birds to release their guts, my theory is they think they are flying over water? I had a pan roof previously and that was terrible for attracting bird cack
  12. Right I'll start and apologies if there is a similar thread lurking somewhere... Gave mine a wash and coated the wheels with some Gtechniq C2
  13. If it goes away on pressing the clutch could it be the clutch release bearing?
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