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Everything posted by Magnet

  1. Hello Warren, Thanks for being in touch. Worth peeling back the covering of the flexible harness section between the body and the tailgate, and inspecting the wires. Favourite spot for wires to break due to flexing when opening and closing the tailgate - particularly following cold weather. Perhaps you would let us know how you get on. Kind regards, Gareth.
  2. Hello Steve, Apologies, but my experience echoes that of Steve Y, and even if you can find someone to make you a pair of one-offs, I fear the cost will be prohibitive, and you are not going to know how good they will fit, until you’ve paid your hard earned. Couple that with the probable reluctance of Bodyshops to want to be involved in painting them - without premium and probable reluctance to guarantee the finish and its lasting capabilities. As Steve Y says , the best option is to do the best to pre treat the arches of the best available ones you can buy, and this will usually include thoroughly ( but gently) sandblasting any affected areas as a starting point for paint and rust ‘proofing’ procedure. Sorry Steve and not sure that this will be what you want to hear, but fibreglass would not be for me - personal opinion of course. Kind regards, Gareth.
  3. Hello Shane, Hopefully someone more experienced than me will give you some positive guides, but I wonder if these are (‘built in’) LED strips, and may not be available as separate items?? Let’s hope not. Kind regards, Gareth.
  4. Hello Steve, In my experience via. classic cars, once you have rust, you are unlikely to prevent its return except via. cutting out beyond the rusted area, and letting in new metal. Even then, you have welded, or part welded joins to contend with. Fibreglass wings? - that’s a blast from the past when they were readily available for cars in the 60s and 70s - often with questionable fit, and a fair degree of preparation. I guess you have exhausted the possibility of better-than- yours secondhand ones both via the U.K. and the Continent? Kind regards, Gareth.
  5. Hello Steve, Steve Q has a good point, but I would be seriously surprised if this 7 year old car would be suffering this issue simply from using E10 - older vehicles possibly. As I understand it E10 has been in use on the continent for years, and we don’t seem to have had our attention drawn to major issues, even on older vehicles. If this were mine, I would be entrusting a diagnosis to a local trusted independent, before believing the issue is just fuel associated - with this modern vehicle. Perhaps you could let us know how you get on Steve. Kind regards, Gareth.
  6. Hello Gordon, Sorry to hear you are still having problems with this car, and that this (unacceptable if it were mine) problem seems to have manifested itself from very early in your ownership, and the dealer has failed to resolve it to your satisfaction. As I understand it, the dealer is now prepared to talk with you regarding returning the car for a refund, but you still attracted to this unreliable car 5 year old car - which you indicate you might have paid up to £25k for-? Apologies for stating it as I (in caps) see it Gordon, but that’s some love affair to consider hanging on to it! Of course, this is a only personal view, and it’s not my money, but a bold call on your part. Warrantees are fine, but they cannot reimburse inconvenience. All I can do is to really wish you good luck with it. Kind regards, Gareth.
  7. Hello Mathew, Many thanks for joining, and sorry to hear of your issue. When you say the ‘battery is giving the correct voltage’ , can we take it that the voltage has been measured on an on-load situation i.e when you are try to operate the starter? Kind regards, Gareth.
  8. Hello Steve, As a non participating, but non-enthusiastic ‘modern car’ show attendee, unfortunately, all I can do is to sympathise with you in respect of your sterling efforts vs. number actually turning up from the - ‘I could be interested’ - participants who actually do turn up. As I see it, it’s not uncommon for enthusiasts to want someone to go engage themselves in considerable effort, so they can join in - if they might want to on the day! ( all in caps). Damned if you don’t organise anything, but not supported if you do. I’ve been around classic car shows since I had hair, and it’s surprising how much pre-show enthusiasm there is, which does not translate into cars on the ground on the day. We can now blame daft fuel prices, but the truth is that many so-called enthusiasts are simply not so enthusiastic as they could be. Apologies for rambling on Steve, but I genuinely sympathise with you for the fact that your efforts appear reap little interest - but certainly not due to any inadequacies of your organising. Come on you lot with fancy wheels on your jet black edition, boring grey, SSS Line, lowered, backside on the ground mapped to atlas levels models - please get out there and support Steve for a change, rather than just filling other forum member’s computer memories with pictures which satisfy the above descriptions. Sunday morning rant over! Enjoy. Kind regards, Gareth. Just enthusiastically join in.
  9. Just resurrecting this since it’s still sitting on the shelf. Genuine VAG kit - application listed on earlier post. Is anyone interested at all in this? If so, please PM me. Kind regards, Gareth.
  10. Hello Asad, ABS and Traction Control warnings are usually associated with either the ABS sensors, or the signal from the hub itself. Not sure why you are associating the issue with wiring faults before eliminating -at least - the simple sensors. Kind regards, Gareth.
  11. Hello Cormac. Thanks for being in touch. I think, suffice to say your concerns are highly likely to be meaningful, judging by the advice given by Steve, and what appears to be splattered about any enquiry you are likely to find on a search. If it were me, I would be taking this as read, and making your decision based on this. If it happens to schedule, then you will have made the right decision. If it doesn’t materialise according to any important-to-you timescales, then at least you won’t have made an irrecoverable decision. No such thing as a stupid question:- I can recall a quote some decades ago by a then Technical manager at VW - ‘I wish I understood everything I know!’ So true - we may often have the right answer, but perhaps seldom the in-depth understanding and logic of the explanation. Kind regards, Gareth.
  12. Hello Jon, I think it’s unfortunately a case of wishing your wallet well. It’s sounds highly likely that Cliff and I are from the same school of logical mechanical thought:- always change one component and test. Never change two at one time, since you will never know ( without subsequent dismantling), which of the original components was the culprit. Kind regards, Gareth.
  13. Careful now Steve. I thought a lack of judgement was the prerogative of the elderly! Stay young. I’m desperately trying to grow up tomorrow. Kind regards, Gareth.
  14. Is that 11.4v (effectively at the battery) with the engine running then? If the alternator is putting out 14.8 to 15v then little to worry about there. Poor connections twixt the two?? Break in the cable = no continuity = no charge/ no current through cable. Test:- Measure the static voltage at the battery and make a note of it. Charge the battery overnight and measure the voltage again and make a note of that. Leave the battery connected ( with the car unused) for the rest of the day, and measure the voltage again. Should be as near as damn it to the early morning just-off -charge voltage. If not - problem! Test this system for a parasitic drain, once you are sure all cable and earth connections are sound and serviceable. Kind regards, Gareth.
  15. Many thanks Mark. Do you know if your model is on an ‘intelligent’ charging system which needs an AGM battery? Sorry, I’m not sure. The fact that the battery is in the boot, should not practically affect the enthusiastic nature of how the car ‘turns over’. Audi would obviously not have designed the car with that issue. If this were mine, I would be double checking that the battery is of the correct type, and not simply the biggest that fits, and as you say, carefully inspect all wiring ( and earths) associated with the starting and charging systems. Although 14.0 volts is slightly below the mid 14s I would expect, it should be adequate - all else being as it should be. Kind regards, Gareth.
  16. Many thanks Steve, and indeed a happy Easter to you and yours, and to those who look after this forum for the benefit of us all. Kind regards, Gareth.
  17. Sorry A - whoever you are - personally I’m not too happy about the lack of detail with you profile, but obviously, I will leave it to Admin to decide whether they consider it to be adequate or not. I guess you know you can PM the seller for further details and a contact number, rather than ask him to show his phone number on an open forum.
  18. Hello Mark, Apologies if these are daft questions, but does your model year require an AGM battery, and if so is that what you have fitted? I raise this since sometimes owners simply replace like for like with what was currently there. Not good practice since a nice previous owner may have retained his near-new battery when selling, and put an old anything-that- fits battery in its place. Also make of your new battery? Having said all that, your theory sounds worth investigating. Kind regards, Gareth.
  19. Hello Lee, Could you please let us know where you have searched so far? Kind regards, Gareth
  20. Hello Gordon, Sounds like it’s worth getting a second opinion on this - with their permission. Many dealer purchase? Kind regards, Gareth.
  21. Hello Annette, Thanks for being in touch with the forum. I think we are really back in your hands on this, and we need to know what the first recall was for - tyres or something else?? If knowingly for tyres, then I would assume that you would have had a look at them, prior to taking the car in, so you would have been aware of the amount of remaining tread and any uneven wear. Perhaps you could come back to us and clarify. Many thanks and kind regards, Gareth. p.s. Was the recall perhaps specifically in relation to the OP’s North American details?
  22. Hello Gordon, When did you buy car - and from a main dealer? You might still be in a position to reject the car as being unfit for service - which it must be if it won’t start! Kind regards, Gareth.
  23. Hello Ciaran, Personally, I think you have made the right decision. Also if it were mine, I would certainly change the water pump as well - if driven by the Cambelt ( sorry I’m not sure with your engine, but someone will advise). I’ve always stuck with Gates kits if I’m not using VAG, and I’m sure they are an OE supplier to VAG anyway. Worth checking with your independent what they will be using. I have found that VAG seem to be much cheaper with water pumps than they used to be - particularly with a bit of discount. As an insurance, I would also renew the auxiliary belt ( driving alternator, air con. compressor) at the same time, since this has to be taken off to do the cambelt anyway, so should be virtually zero additional labour cost. Kind regards, Gareth.
  24. Hello Ciaran, Audi’s recommendation is correct in terms of 5 years or 140k, but the important thing is - whichever comes first. Your car is now approaching 6 years old, so changing the Cambelt assembly is now overdue. You can take a chance and delay it, but a chance it will be, and looking at it logically, you are going to have to pay to get it done at some point, so why not now before it goes too long out of schedule. Kind regards, Gareth.
  25. You are very welcome Ryan. Hope you have some luck in sorting. some expertise around these parts. Kind regards, Gareth.
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