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Hi all, wondering if anyone can answer a few questions. Audi is dead. 

What led to this, car been off road for a few months, fan belt snapped on motorway, fixed, was then having lots of fault codes, that pointed to a fuse in the engine bay, replaced the fuse, the throttle body connector caught fire.Had a water pipe burst that i fixed, so unsure throttle body got wet. replaced throttle body, Dpf blocked at same time, went into limp mode. So off road for 2/3 months.Managed to clear out DPF, car back on the road, yippee.

Then handbrake faults, cleared codes with OBD11. codes returned , good old google and other forums etc, suggested changing handbrake module, For battery issues , going flat , not providing module with the power needed. Handbrake module is plug and play ??  swapped handbrake module, ok for a day , same faults but when handbrake used ,stalled engine . clear faults , then noticed smoke from area where module is located.Put original module back on , then got a hell of a lot of issues , component protection activated U fault codes, no dash lights , no start, would take car ages to wake up, to start, then would not turn off when key pushed in. lots of clicking sounds in the rear, that i think were coming from the comfort control module. 

Now the car is dead, had battery on charge , thinking battery related, nothing works, apart from windows , hazards, seat motors. 

So questions , seems to be the comfort control module is dead, is there another module that controls the comfort one, Obd11 faults before car died, mentioned control module A or is module A the one in the rear? How did i get all these faults, by swapping handbrake module, same part number , but different letter at the end.( Firmware upgrade )

Would cloning or have the comfort module repaired fix this car ??  or is there another module, that needs repairing alongside??  


Hi , its slightly smaller than it should be, about a year old, never had any issues with the battery , until it got taken off the road, with the cold weather and it not being used, this is the fifth time its been charged. 


Allowing the battery to flatten will have damaged it, which is why it will no longer hold a charge. That damage will also interfere with the cars electronics and may explain many of the faults you experienced. I suggest you buy a new decent quality battery of the right capacity as a first step, and then get any remaining error codes checked on a code reader such as OBD11. Let us know how you get on.


Hi ,unfortunately ,unable to connect to car for fault codes,,which is why i've come here Also the battery does charge back up 

23 minutes ago, crazydiamond70 said:

 Also the battery does charge back up 

Are you now saying it does hold a charge? That is not the impression I got from your earlier comments.


Yet you said it needed to be recharged five times in three months. That is not the sign of a battery in good condition. I suggest you get it professionally tested.

23 hours ago, cliffcoggin said:

Yet you said it needed to be recharged five times in three months. That is not the sign of a battery in good condition. I suggest you get it professionally tested.

All batteries will loose its charge , in cold weather without being used, charged up with alternator. Besides that , the car is not waking up ,with a fully charged battery, 


I am clearly wasting my time trying to convince that your battery is clapped out, so I'll leave you to it. Good luck.


The battery, regardless of how big or small it is at the moment , is not going to wake up failed modules. I  am now charging up  battery that is suitable , just to prove this point. Like i have mentioned the smaller battery never gave me any issues, up until this point. Have spoken to a Audi independent specialist, who said Audi modules are very sensitive to power supplied. By spikes and low currents,anything as low as  9v can ruin a module , he did say the best course of action is to disconnect the battery, when car is going to be laid up for some time. 

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