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Magnet last won the day on June 15

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    A3 1.6 Sportback
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  1. Hello Ani, Natalie hasn’t returned to the forum for over two years, so be prepared for not receiving a response. Personally, I don’t feel that this is a question of ‘has anyone else had this issue and had it resolved?’ It’s far too serious for that to be a major factor - your concern is that you get this fully resolved with a minimum of delay. If I understand it correctly in your case, this amounts to a genuine case of endangering life. Have you contacted (and subsequently written to) Audi Customer Services to formally record this issue. You would be advised to formally record this issue (in writing) with the repairing dealer. Consider notifying both that you wish to reject the vehicle. Perhaps you could let us know how you get on. Kind regards, Gareth.
  2. Hello Mark and welcome, Sorry but no experience of the particular model you are looking at, but some pointers for consideration:- ‘Sport’ - suggests stiffer suspension aimed at roadholding and not comfort. Size of wheels and profile of tyres? If you want the most comfortable ride, then you need to find the model with the smallest diameter wheels and the largest profile tyres e.g. 17 inch wheels and around 50 profile tyres. Larger wheels and inherent lower profile tyres will result in a compromised ride quality. The additional issue that we all find ourselves running into when choosing a vehicle is the ‘I like the look of…’ and we buy with our eyes. With your medical condition, I really think you need to approach the buying process from the same standpoint as you would buying a bed - appearance has to be very much a secondary consideration - comfort the primary. I think some of the above pointers may now have to be your primary consideration. Kind regards, Gareth. p.s. Check tyre markings looking for XL ( extra load). If any vehicle you look at has these, then that will also stiffen the ride quality.
  3. Hello Adrian, Just another (general) consideration on mileage. Your car has covered c4K miles/a - a low usage, which comes with its own disadvantages. Most low mileage cars cover that mileage via. short trips, where the car generally barely gets up to optimum opperating conditions, and where wear is at a maximum, compared to a fully warmed up vehicle travelling long distances under motorway conditions. Kind regards, Gareth.
  4. Hello Adrian, Let’s try to tread some realistic ground through this. WBAC is part of British Car Auctions, and this is where your car will end up if you sell it to them. They are trade buyers, so once they have offered an acceptable price to you and them, then there isn’t any come back. The £3,600 price quoted is a price to entice you to progress this to an inspection and valuation stage, at which point they will offer you a lower price depending on its overall appearance, mileage, their knowledge of the model, it’s demand, and above all the realistic price they expect it to make at auction - less of course the profit they wish to make from the deal. It really is as simple as that. Beware how you answer questions, and simply state you wish to sell it, in the hope that you may get a better deal without part exchange. ‘Worth a few hundred pounds’ can be be taken as a figure some may suggest where the buyer is fully knowledgeable about the pitfalls of that particular model year, and those who are, probably wouldn’t but it at any price! Presentation and first impression is king here, so invest in a good quality valet ( if you don’t do that yourself) before presenting it for valuation. Oh and make sure the oil is topped up! Perhaps you could let us know how you get on Adrian. Kind regards, Gareth.
  5. Price required Lee? - as opposed to ‘offers’. Kind regards, Gareth.
  6. Can you let us have a photo of the offending bit Paul?
  7. Point Steve, but I think in this case it is indeed spark plug fouling - assuming that there is a temporary improvement immediately following fitting a new plug. Kind regards, Gareth.
  8. Thanks Allan. As with all ‘comparison tests’, the question which needs to be asked is -who is funding/sponsoring the test? My comments were really aimed at a better understanding of the much-used, and disliked, broad brush term ‘ditch finder’. I think anyone who fits budget tyres to a vehicle which they drive enthusiastically is indeed taking a higher risk than they would by buying well researched premium grades. However, if your diving style is not-getting-anywhere-in-a-hurry, then I wouldn’t automatically dismiss all budget tyres. My point which might have been helpful to other members who drive as the last paragraph is that, of budget brands, Accelera has given me all round satisfaction for my requirements. Kind regards, Gareth.
  9. Thanks for the update Adrian, and I think your summary does in fact sum it up. You either spend to get the situation sorted ( but certainly not an economical option in my book), or you keep adding oil as it devours it. End result-? Is where you are - so much oil around the spark plug that it can burn it off, and the plug cokes up. What grade oil are you using - in volume! - to top this up? Ask you mechanic to do some homework on a hotter spark plug than that specified. Worth investigating. Kind regards, Gareth.
  10. Good luck with ‘getting your rights’ Shelley. Percy Verance will be your best friend, so keep at it. Perhaps you can continue to keep us posted. Kind regards, Gareth.
  11. Thanks Allan, Glad you have started to sort this out. 30 profile tyres - hope your back is in good shape, and the potholes are kind to you! An interesting take on budget tyres, and very true if the driving style is ‘to the limit’ - just don’t go there. As it happens, I have used Accelera tyres on earlier family cars and never had a worrying moment with them during ‘ordinary’ driving. All I can say is that if the budget only stretches to budget tyres, and your driving style isn’t ’to the limit’ then Accelera would be my brand of choice, based on earlier experience. Kind regards, Gareth.
  12. Hello Mark, Have a read through the various posts on the subject, and continue to be concerned. Sorry I can’t help with a local independent, but have you tried a Google search. I would have thought that a trusted local garage should be able to do this for you. Kind regards, Gareth.
  13. Hello whoever you are - we haven’t a clue since you have chosen not to fill your profile in! Although your opinion is valid - it is just that, and some may agree with you, but I think that if you choose to read through the earlier posts, I think you will conclude that the consensus of opinion points to not too many members being content to dismiss a cambelt change on a timed basis, and risk the possibility of a catastrophic failure. Would you care to now fill in your profile properly, at which point you will be very welcome to opine further. Kind regards, Gareth.
  14. Hello Tom, When did you buy it, and was it bought from a dealer? Kind regards, Gareth.
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