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Hi, whats the best oil for my Audi tt 1.8 TFSI, it covers around 1,200 miles per annum, would it be ok to change the oil every 2 yrs


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Welcome, and thanks for joining Michael.

I’ve always used VAG’s brand - Quantum - and see no reason to try anything else. 
Check that the grade required is 5w/30. I always buy from reputable sellers on eBay, and order the Longlife 3. 
Would suggest using Mann or similar (German branded) filters, and yes, I would change every two years. I cover about the same mileage in a non- Audi, used only for summer months, and that is my regime for that car. 
Kind regards,


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Post and run! 

Joined April 3rd - posted plea for help on April 3rd - not returned since to review any responses. 

Time taken to construct replies is free of charge, but it is time consuming! 

Best we can hope for is the information maybe of help to others. 

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1 hour ago, Magnet said:

Post and run! 

Joined April 3rd - posted plea for help on April 3rd - not returned since to review any responses. 

Time taken to construct replies is free of charge, but it is time consuming! 

Best we can hope for is the information maybe of help to others. 

Hi Gareth I appreciate your sentiment but realistically I doubt it will make a difference to more than a minority as most of these one post wonders can't even be bothered to look through the legions of post on this wonderful site to see if there is already an answer to their question, NO its far easier just to wait for some poor soul to to spoon feed the answer to them, I find this situation intolerable and on a personal level endorses my opinion that charging a small joining fee would eradicate the free loaders and any funds gathered from serious users would help with the costs of this forum, I have joined a few forums in my time and all required a subscription with the exception of some Ford forums, over the last couple of years the formulae for this situation has become blindingly apparent these people buy these cars in the blind belief that the Audi never goes wrong, someone told them that and its what they wanted to hear, most of the members on here all know that statement to be far from the truth, thats why they are here and after their own problems are solved actively engage in trying to help others, I have noticed lately that a couple of new members have posted the problem and the solution to that problem that they have worked out for themselves, we could definitely do with more members with that mind set.


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  • 1 month later...

I don't care if people don't bother reading my stuff if some random person in the future benefits from viewing it it's worth it. 

plus he might have died or something 

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Thanks Granola, I do indeed understand your point of view. 
An alternative point of view could be that if say you (in caps) were to spend a considerable amount of time attempting to help others -on demand - and they can’t even be bothered to return to the forum to read the advice they ask for, then this  alternative point of view may become more valid. 

You know, even seeing that a question-poster has had the courtesy to press the Like’ button can really be a welcome uplift, and demonstrates that it isn’t all about ‘I want, you know, you tell me’ , and I can’t even be bothered to take time to say thanks. 
Kind regards,


p.s. ‘….some random person in the future benefits….’ It didn’t benefit this poster, since as Stevey mentions, it’s a subject I that’s been answered before, but I guess the poster couldn’t be bothered to do a search. 

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On 4/15/2024 at 9:21 AM, Magnet said:

Post and run! 

Joined April 3rd - posted plea for help on April 3rd - not returned since to review any responses. 

He is probably waiting for a notification of a reply because it is SO much work to actively look for himself.

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1 hour ago, Magnet said:

Point taken. Most people opt for receiving an e-mail alert when someone posts a reply - I think, but perhaps Trevor can confirm that. 

Members can opt to receive notifications depending on their preferences....mostly when they post a thread or reply then they will get a notification

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Many thanks Trevor,

I just wonder whether it’s now time to remove the option of receiving e-mail alerts when threads started by the posters are replied to- just making it automatic that they do. 
That will remove the excuse ‘….I haven’t returned to the forum because I didn’t know there had been any responses..’

Food for thought?

Kind regards,


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Will certainly look into that Gareth....I'm sure we're not the only forums to have members ghost the site once they have read the response.
Also, wonder whether many members use the email to register but not always visit their mailbox to check for responses

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