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Addblue reviews

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I am considering buying an a8 which has addblue. I have Been told by a mechanic that cars with addblue are problematic. With things going wrong. Particularly the sensor on the dash. It is putting me off and wondering if should avoid buying a car with it. Would appreciate people's reviews. 


Hello Angela,

It looks like you are dismissing requests for an update on the previous question about your oil leak, yet in preference asking for advice on another matter. 



Sorry I thought I had answered the requests with regards to the oll leak? 



Hello Angela,

I think that all post 2015 models are likely to have Adblue systems. 
What  year are you looking at?

Kind regards,



Should have said -all marques - not just Audi. 
Hopefully you will get more specific dates on here when Audi started on all models then.



I think unless I get something really old it would be addblue. But really looking for feedback from others on having an addblue car as I have been told by a friend to stay away. 


Adblue can certainly be problematic, however it's the same on other makes of cars, so why limit yourself to a recent Audi diesel? Of course you could buy an old diesel but then you would be no better off than your current leaky car with all its expensive repairs.

Petrol cars do not use adblue, neither do electric cars. Naturally each type has its own inherent faults and problems that you will need to balance against their advantages, but there is no such thing as a perfect car that suits all owners.

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Hello Angela,

Do an Adblue search on here and you will find all the potential issues, but bad news travels fast. 


Had a look and not very favorable and could be costly.  So thinking a replacement audi a8 diesal may not be the answer.  The most important thing if I am changing my car is the suspension as a poor suspension means I am in agony with my back and cannot drive at all. 

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