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Everything posted by Anton8

  1. I know I sound like a MG car salesman, I still wouldn't buy one. There are various reasons such as ..... The inferstructure for electric cars is not quite there yet. 1.5 hours charge time. Range anxiety, it's not an Audi, and it's Chinese. Also the worry that I would start ordering fried rice with everything. I will stick with my Audi diesel.
  2. Nope, feels surprisingly solid, no squeaks or rattles. Interior finish is good, and it comes with lots of goodies, as you would expect.
  3. Hi Steve Left at 8.00 train yesterday morning, arrived home at 8.00 yesterday evening. I made it to Watford Gap with 30 miles left in the battery. It took 90 minutes to recharge. The MG drove beautifully. Had it in eco mode but still plenty of grunt. You want to see it in sport mode, frighteningly fast. No gear changes, It certainly rips the front tyres. But I wouldn't do that would I. All said and done it is not a bad car. 7 years warranty, quite roomy, cheap to run.
  4. One of the problems is the time and variable charge price. I have paid £6.13 for 27 minutes charge which gave me 110 miles. I have also been charged £19.20 for 74 minutes for 90 miles. Good old diesel even at £6.00 per gallon I can fill up in 5 minutes with 300-400 miles.
  5. Just for your info, and to show how things change. Lincoln cancelled until next Friday 12th. Now going to Wigan on Monday to bring back a MG ZS EV. Have to do some calculations as to where to recharge. If you stop too early you may have to stop again. It's 255 miles and the battery range is approx 150 depending on temperature. M6 Corley is 111 miles and M1 Watford Gap is 145 miles. It's going to be tight. Wish I was driving my A6 diesel.
  6. Hi I have a part time job of collecting and delivering new cars. I have been doing this for about 8 years. It could be 1 per month or 3 a week. so, I do a lot of road trips each year. Last week for instance I travelled to Aberystwyth by train and returned with a Mitsubishi Outlander Hybrid. Waze satnav routed me right down the centre of Wales. The road was great, no traffic, lovely villages, a really good drive. Picked up M4 at Newport then home. (and I get paid). Scotland 8 times last year. Southern Ireland once. It's a great job as long as you like driving. It does have it's down side though. Try taking a Renault Zoe to South Wales, when Membury charge point not operative. Had to get it trailed to next services for a recharge, then only just managed it. Talk about range anxiety. Constantly checking battery range against satnav mileage. Off to Lincoln on Monday. Tony
  7. You will not regret it. Once over the viaduct you can pull off the Autoroute and go to the viewing area where there are toilets ect.
  8. Hi Trevor Didn't realise that you were on two wheels. Tony
  9. Hi Driven down to Spain many times. On and off motorways. If you are thinking of stopping on The Costa Brava Hotel Alga in Callela de Parafugell is OK. It's 3 star trying very hard to be four. Nice gardens 5 minute stroll to the beach. C de P is very chic. Return journey must be made on the Autoroute so that you cross the Millau viaduct. It is a cable stay bridge designed by Norman Foster. The motorway deck is 1000ft high. The view is really rather good. Bon Voyage Tony
  10. Hi Karl When I got my A6 I spent many an hour sitting in the car on the driveway pressing buttons etc. I have a system now for starting from cold. Foot off brake. Press start button (warms up heaters) Put on seat belt. Foot on brake. Press button, engine starts. I have only just managed to download something into the juke box and I have had it nearly a year. Tony
  11. Hi I thought the stop/start function was run using a large capacitor, which is recharged via the alternator using engine power. I didn't think the battery was involved in this function. This is why the stop/start seems to be random because it relies on the charge in the capacitor not the battery. Perhaps the capacitor should be looked at. Tony
  12. Hi Daz I am a bit boring really. My A6 is a Black Edition, so it comes with most of the goodies, fat 20" wheels, BOSE surround sound, no brightwork and the tech pack. It is in Pearlescent Daytona Grey, so I have changed all the badges to black. That really does look good. My wife uses a mobility scooter (not modified at the moment) so I have had a hoist put in the luggage compartment to lift it in. The scooter weighs 60kgs so it does lower the rear end a bit, which I think looks great. It's locked up in the garage at the moment with minimal fuel. Can't be bother to join the queues with the no brainers. Tony
  13. Hi Daz I have the same car, really happy with it. Takes some time to sort out the tech. Tony
  14. If it's the one on the top right hand of the steering wheel buttons, that is the voice command button. Just a tip. If you switch on the ignition and alter something on the system. e.g. folding door mirrors, screen set up, lighting ect. It will only recognise those settings with the key you used. I had to used my spare key last week and it was like getting into another car.
  15. Hi Neil I have the exact same car as you in Daytona Grey, albeit an Avant. I have had mine since January and still find things I didn't know about. If it doesn't go Brmm,Brmm after pressing the the start button it's no good lifting the bonnet as far as I am concerned. But on saying that a beautiful car runs well and economical too. The only thing I have done to mine is to change all the badges to black, as they should be on a Black Edition Audi. We had a good meeting recently at Beaulieu Motor Museum, but haven't had to buy any parts yet. Tony
  16. Hi Yes it was good to meet. Hope you get your car sorted Steve. Tony
  17. What time would you suggest? I don't think we can get in until 09.30, so perhaps we should aim at 08.30 ish to meet.
  18. That does seem a better bet. If we are too far away we very well may get split up again on the journey.
  19. I am retired, but I have a part time job of delivering and collecting new cars for a multi-franchise car group. I travel all over Great Britain and Ireland. My hobbies are playing golf twice a week, and I have a fairly large model railway.
  20. That's my worry. That I might do something to the system that can only be rectified by an expensive visit to Audi
  21. Thanks for the info. Will check out the website.
  22. Thanks for the replies. At £300 I think I will rely on Waze on my phone if I get lost
  23. Hi. Sally Sat Nav is working fine although it could do with an upgrade. I have read that it runs with a SD card. Both my SD card slots are empty! If that is the case, how is it working? Is there another slot hidden away somewhere only known to Audi so that they can charge mega bucks for an upgrade? Tony
  24. You have certainly done your homework. Best of luck in finding one.
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