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Steve Q

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Everything posted by Steve Q

  1. Hey Terry welcome to the forum :) youll find the members on here are a friendly and helpful bunch :) your dead right! The manufacturers warranty should carry over as long as the car had full service history. Any additional warranty they offer should only start after the manufacturers warranty has expired. Starting additional warranty before the manufacturers has expired is mis selling and thus illegal! Hope that makes sense. Cheers steve :)
  2. Hey Rick, welcome to the forum :) youll find the members on here are a friendly and helpful bunch :) i believe seats from a golf mk4 Golf bolt straight in :) Iv found this video on YouTube that will help you change the seats though :) Hope it's useful :) cheers steve
  3. Exactly :) il keep you all posted once I have any more dates :)
  4. The v10 engine would fit in easier than the w12 lol
  5. Your welcome, glad we could help :) Alls well that ends well Karen :) glad it was fine at 75k you should be fine now :) hope you enjoy your a4! Abd remember your more than welcome to display your a4 on any of our club displays at up and coming events :) cheers steve
  6. Right, iv emailed the museum again but the guy iv been speaking to is away until Monday. Iv asked him what others dates the museum is available for us to do the display from October through to December. That way there should easily be a day we all can do :)
  7. Your right about the q7! I tell you now by my reconing the money I'm spending on both my a6 and my Ford escort I could easily run an a8 instead! Man a3 with a w12 now that would be something. You'd have to cut the engine bay and body to pieces though!
  8. Hey Raza, any form of forced induction is good as more air is getting to the engine quicker. However the colder the air, the better it is for the engine. I would suspect without using the hose your going to make the air going into your engine hotter than what it currently does with the standard system which isn't a good thing. Hope iv heked cheers steve
  9. lol I know that feeling! To be fair though I set my sights slightly lower at an a8 D3 w12 (like the one in the Transporter films) but they're had to find in the right spec/colour and low miles!
  10. Now that is a fair point! I suspect it was forgotten about lol. We can add it to the next poll ;)
  11. No worries mate. Think what il do is email Coventry transport museum again for further dates for the next couple of months :)
  12. lol I think iv got OCAD obsessive compulsive Audi disorder lol 😂 such a great film! And of course :) thanks again Dan :) oh by the way you got any more Audis that you've seen on the big screen?!
  13. Sorry for stressing you. What's the service history on the a4? Is it full? As I suspect it will have already been done :) dont worry, you can't help it, it's not something people think about as buying a car is stressful enough and there's often a lot already running around inside your head.
  14. Glad the pic was useful :) sorry the PDF didn't work, itbwont let me link it properly unfortunately :/ the Tiguan is a nice car :) and I know what you mean about the Q cars. Excluding the Q7! Which is a gorgeous car! Sorry for calling you Rob! (Oops lol). Think I responded to another a3 post and he was called Rob and had the name Rob on the brain lol Cheers steve
  15. Hey Karen, I would say that at 104,000 miles it should have been done by now and as Piotr said the cambelt s are normally changed around every 5 years but it can be between 5-7 depending on the engine, vehicle age and mileage. Usually they are changed around 50k-80k. Again this depends on the engine. If it's not been done then you'll want a discount as this will cost you around £400-£500. If it has been done then the dealer should have proof of this. Hope iv helped :) cheers steve
  16. Hey Paul, how did you get on at the dealer? I do hope they sorted it! :) glad your enjoying your TT but I'm not surprised to be honest! :) cheers steve
  17. If you could get some pics that would be great :) I do believe they are rare though! Obviously if you get it moted it'll be worth more than if it isn't :) cheers steveb
  18. Welcome to the forum Rob :) youll find the members on here are a friendly and helpful bunch :) it sounds to me like a faulty sensor or a bad earth. Have you had a diagnostic check carried out on your a4? Cheers steve
  19. Hey Rob welcome to the forum :) youll find the members on here are a friendly and helpful bunch :) i know to remove the grill is a huge pain but luckily the surround should just unclip. You'd be better taking it off to strip it as you run the risk of over spill onto the bumper! Iv attached an image I came across on another site that shows you how it clips in. As well as a PDF walk through to take the bumper off to take the whole grill off, if that's what you choose to do :) as can be seen it is from a motorsport company. Hope iv helped :) Also What car are you changing to? cheers steve
  20. Hi Andy, welcome to the forum :) youll find the members on here are a friendly and helpful bunch :) i think the module is in the boot on the left hand side. You'll have to take the boot side trim off. This is also the same for the a4 and a6 c5. I also believe there are 2 different types of module. One that is just for rear sensors and one that is for front and rear sensors. Unsure on how easy it is to replace though. Iv also attached a couple of images from google as to the boot side and what the part should look like. Dont go off the part number on the image though as I think the part changed slightly from 2008 on but don't quote me. Just what I'm reading on eBay listings. Hope iv helped :) cheers steve
  21. I have to say COD ghosts is a mint game! But so was black ops 1 and 2. With tegards to GTA, I preferred GTA 4 over gta5. I think the car crashes are better and using the phone for cheats is far easier :) having said that I do still play a ps2 with GTA San Andreas and put the cheats in manually lol. In terms of racing games I do like gran Trismo 4 on the ps2 :) as you probs can tell I do like the retro games lol
  22. Hey both, i keep checking the websites for the major shows and as of yet non of them have their websites updated for next year. Il keep you posted and once I know, il create the topics :) Your more than welcome to come along to any local meets that are being planned Loz. In failing that, if there are no events happening in your area then you are more than welcome to arrange one :) cheers steve
  23. Couldn't agree more mate :) just st waiting to hear back from the others.
  24. The answer is the Transporter! This allroad was used 3 times in the first film during the chase scene. You can see it twice before the blue Peugeot chases the BMW and then during that chase. This chase scene is the part when these 2 cars are beside the sea and the allroad is on the very same road. 1:15, allroad at traffic lights when 2 police cars collide 1:34, allroad is about to turn across into the path of the BMW before stopping. 1:57 allroad is overtaken by the BMW heres the link... how sad am I lol
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