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Keys locked in boot - could the MyAudi app help?


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Morning all. I've managed to lock the car keys in the boot and am wondering whether the Remote Lock/Unlock function of the MyAudi app would be able to help. I don't see the function in the app but Google tells me it exists. Anyone with a 2017 type A3 got it to work?

If you're wondering "How?" - I put the keys on the boot lip and closed the boot on them, it must have pressed the lock button and pushed the keys inwards as the boot closed. Bet I couldn't do it again if I tried 100 times 😞

To make things worse #1 . . . We're on holiday in Dorset. Driving home to Essex to get the spare key was one option until I remembered the house keys are in the car. There is a secret hidden spare key at home but as we're away on holiday everything is super duper locked up so that's not accessible.

To make things worse #2 . . . The car is an hours drive from where we are staying so getting around is now difficult and expensive.

To make things worse #3 . . . The Mrs needs to go to work on Saturday so we need to get this sorted ASAP, as in today (3/6/21 for anyone reading this in the future).

On the plus side #1 . . . Luckily Green Flag picked up the cost of the cab to get me back to where we're staying last night, they might be getting me a hire car too - still waiting to hear about that.

On the plus side #2 . . . I've found a locksmith vaguely near by, exploring that as one option.

On the plus side #3 . . . It wasn't raining yesterday, my coat is in the car.

Last option is smashing a window to get in, but I really like my car and I really don't want to do that if I don't have to.

Any advice greatfully received.

Cheers, Rhys.

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The myaudi app will only work if you have it set up (to set it up you need to abtivate it on the car) and also the "connect" function needs an active subscription. 

A locksmith may be your cheapest option. 

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Thanks @Steve Q & @Shytot - yes, a locksmith picked the driver's door lock then I climbed through the car into the boot (with the alarm going off repeatedly). It turned out the keys were trapped between the boot and the lip so he had to fiddle about with a hooked tool but managed to get them out after a few minutes. Hero! Most forums aren't keen on new members advertising suppliers but if anyone needs a vehicle locksmith in the Dorset area then message me and I'll share his details.

@Steve Q Greenflag were helpful but they just got me a mechanic initially. He called me and we had a chat and we agreed there was no point him attending as there was nothing he could do - as he said he was a mechanic and modern cars are designed not to be easily broken into 🙂 With the car locked and the electronic handbrake on it wouldn't have been possible to tow the car somewhere more useful. Once it was clear he couldn't help he did liaise with Greenflag to get me a cab back home though. Greenflag also organised a hire car for the next day for me to drive home to get the spare keys (before I remembered the house keys were in the car) but I didn't use this in the end. Interestingly, Greenflag didn't suggest a locksmith, I sorted this out myself. It probably would have been cheaper for them and quicker for me if they'd just called out an auto locksmith at the start.

I'm going to pursue the MyAudi remote lock/unlock - I've already got the app setup with the car and I've got an active connect license so I'll go into my local dealer when I get a chance to see what else needs doing. I'll update this thread when I get some more info.

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Glad you hot sorted Rhys and with no damage to the car 👍 

The myaudi app is worth checking since it also alerts you when your alarm is going off and you can track your car too. 

If you already have it set up then it must be a subscription that stopped the functions from working. 

As I mentioned before, the last section on the app screen - individual upgrades/functions on demand gets you to the shop where you can purchase a remote services subscription. I suspect that you will need a connect licence/subscription too. 

BTW - how much was the locksmith? 


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@Shytot I paid £100. A few years ago I paid £70 for a local residential locksmith (back in Essex) to open a front door (keys locked inside - bit of a pattern forming here!) so £100 for a vehicle specialist seems OK to me. He did say it was a bit more than normal because he had the best part of an hours drive to get to us. Maybe someone else might have been a bit cheaper but this guy was responsive to initial messages and sounded good when I spoke to him on the phone so I didn't spend any more time ringing around.

As it was all done so quickly and without any drama I also didn't lose the last day of my holiday.

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43 minutes ago, Rhys39 said:

@Shytot I paid £100. A few years ago I paid £70 for a local residential locksmith (back in Essex) to open a front door (keys locked inside - bit of a pattern forming here!) so £100 for a vehicle specialist seems OK to me. 

Thanks for the info.

Sounds like a decent price 👍 

Based on is a your previous experience, maybe you should have a locksmith on speed dial! 😁 😁 

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