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Everything posted by Magnet

  1. First try cutting compound and elbow grease. Kind regards, Gareth
  2. Hello Callum, As Roy says - why concern yourself unless you actually have trouble - we will forget about the MOT implications! The best person on here to advise you is Steve Y, since his car is a working taxi, probably covering multiple short runs, as well as mixed driving. Kind regards, Gareth.
  3. The car’s built-in Battery Condition Monitor ( BCM) - if fitted. If the car is still running on its original battery, then it shouldn’t be too long before it starts not to work anyway. Kind regards, Gareth.
  4. Um? Steve, but Jake if talking about the middle of the bumper -? Kind regards, Gareth.
  5. Hello Colin, Thanks for joining the forum, and sorry to hear of your problem, but what are you asking us to advise on? Kind regards, Gareth.
  6. Many thanks Paul, I’ve witnessed such disconnections with your era of vehicles when they have become flooded with fuel and won’t start. Anyway, all is now well. Kind regards, Gareth.
  7. Thanks Brandon, but you haven’t told us how much coolant it uses, and you haven’t confirmed you have carried out the suggested test, so we don’t have a lot to go with. Kind regards, Gareth.
  8. Hello Brandon, Thanks for being in touch, and sorry to hear of your problem. Any coolant use is abnormal. You need to tell us how much coolant is being used per x number of miles. Yes, you should top up with a 50/50 mix of the correct type of coolant, not water, but water will do for now. As Steve says - and I guess you have eliminated any external leak sources. Simple DIY test:- Take the car for 5 mile run, and immediately get an assistant to rev. the engine to a steady 2000rpm and hold it at that rev. for two minutes while you observe the exhaust - looking for any degree of white smoke - or really any other coloured smoke. Perhaps you could do that and come back to us. Kind regards, Gareth.
  9. Hello Asif, Thanks for joining and sorry to hear of your issue with this. When you say you topped up with 5ltrs of oil, can we take it you mean you did an oil change with 5 ltrs of oil? Without me having to look this up, what is the oil capacity of this engine? It sounds as if you are burning oil at the rate of about 200 miles to the pint! Very much abnormal for this model year I believe, but others will be able to confirm or refute this. How long have you owned it? Kind regards, Gareth.
  10. Thanks Scott, Just don’t home in on possible spring issues - it could be any thing. Kind regards, Gareth.
  11. Hello Scott, With any uneven tread wear, the first port of call must be to have the car thoroughly inspected for wear. Actually adjusting the alignment must be the last job. The logic is:- when the car was new, the alignment was factory set so that the tyre wear would be even, so if you rears are wearing (grossly) uneven, then obviously something has changed - the adjustment cannot move). Yes, you can have 4 wheel alignment carried out, but simply adjusting without a thorough check will be a complete waste of money. It’s not uncommon for front alignment to be out, but rear - less common - broken springs?? Who to do it? There are plenty of tyre outlets/ garages who have the sophisticated equipment - using it properly is another thing! - so choose carefully. Where in Wales are you - it’s a big place. Kind regards, Gareth.
  12. Many thanks Richard, Sorry, thought you had permanently disabled it using OBD eleven. Disabling each journey? Isn’t there an isolator you can press ( or something) that disables it each journey? If so, and it’s not permanently disabled via. OBD eleven, I’m a bit lost, but it’s probably me. Kind regards, Gareth.
  13. Stick someone in the stripped out boot with a light, and run a hosepipe over the area - subject to no ban in place!
  14. I’m still biased towards loading and appropriate tyre pressures as being the principal contributors, with road conditions as the aggravator.
  15. That’s fine if you are happy, but there are some pretty dodgy aftermarket clutches about. I could have advised you what to go for if interested. Kind regards, Gareth.
  16. Many thanks Colin, You could also do a quote for the 911, with a start date of say 21 days hence, so you have a true period for period comparison. What year was the 911 as a matter of interest? Kind regards, Gareth.
  17. Hello Colin, I don’t think it’s as simple as Audi A4 vs Carrera, I think you may be a victim of a ‘new quotation’ where (so I understand) rates have been hiked across the board, as car parts increase in price along with everything else. I guess you have run this through a /couple of comparison websites, and if so, it would be interesting to know what quote you would get if you had to insure the Carrera from the same point in time. That will give you the current true comparison. Perhaps you could let us know Colin. Kind regards, Gareth.
  18. Hello Maelo, You don’t give us much information to go with. Have you or anyone else recently renewed the pads and/or discs? Or has this issue recently occurred with the car, although no brake work has been carried out? Has the car been sitting around unused for some time? Kind regards, Gareth.
  19. Hello Carrie, Many thanks. Make of parts he is using? Kind regards, Gareth.
  20. Hello Jo, It’s not really clear what you are asking, but it sounds like a warranty query, in which case someone would need to see copy of that warranty to be able to answer. Have you tried asking the AA? Kind regards, Gareth.
  21. Hello Pippy, It’s loose ends tidying time, so wondered how you are getting on with this. Kind regards, Gareth.
  22. Hello Corina, Tidying up some loose ends, and wondering where you are with this now. Kind regards, Gareth.
  23. Hello Abu, Just tidying up some loose ends, and wondered what you did about this after - ? Kind regards, Gareth.
  24. Hello Graham, OK battery may be only 2 years old, but I wouldn’t ignore Clifford’s experience, and would suggest that you have a ‘sophisticated’ ( or whatever word you choose) test carried out on your battery - if only to eliminate it from the equation. This test would include cold cranking amps and other parameters, and not simply % efficiency. Not sure if your car is too old to be fitted with a battery condition monitor, but…Also worth getting the alternator output checked at the same time. Kind regards, Gareth.
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