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Steve Q

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Everything posted by Steve Q

  1. Welcome to the forum Rick :) youll find the members on here are a friendly bunch and will help you where they can :) cheers steve
  2. I have seen these fitted to a3s. Normally people fit them near to the blanking plates on the centre console on the dash. Normally above the radio if that makes sense. Im unsure if you have to update the software but I believe you plug it in the back of the radio. Cheers steve
  3. Welcome to the forum Peter :) depending on your radio you probably can get it activated on the computer or get a plug in, into the back of the radio. Or finally you can get a Bluetooth kit. You'll probs be looking around £150-£300 approx. From companies such as parrot. I have found Audi don't put as much kit in as standard as they base there vehicle price on quality instead of gadgets if that makes sense? Hence why seats and slides will Have it. Hope iv helped cheers Steve
  4. Thanks Trevor :) glad you enjoyed reading it and glad it wasn't boring :) couldnt agree more! Cars are meant to be driven! And I just hope I have inspired other to take road trips. Especially those who have older Audis. As iv proven it can be done in older, high mileage cars :) Thanks :) the car is sweet as a nut! And my brother and I are planing the next one already to Germany! No exact dates sorted though due to other planned holidays and cruises :) il keep you posted :) cheers steve
  5. There's nothing stopping you from taking it to an Audi independent specialist now. As long as it's a vat registered garage your warranty won't be affected :) cheers steve
  6. Welcome to the forum Tom :) thats obscene! When I worked at Volkswagen a minor service (oil change, oil filter etc) for £169. I would say the reason why it's expensive is because it's an rs model. Cheers steve
  7. Welcome to the forum Lindsey :) iv found this a4 being broken on eBay if that's any good? It's the correct paint code :) https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/262935862505 unfortunately the link isn't working but I know it's on eBay. It's being broken by spencerautosalvage2013 alternatively just type in Audi A4 2002 silver breaking and it should be the 3rd listing. cheers Steve
  8. Glad I could help :) Good luck with the purchase. Just remember the age old saying if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! Just check the service history (ideally it should be full). One thing you could ask the seller is he happy with you to get an independent vehicle check. Companies like the AA and rac offer this service. It is always a good thing to ask because if the seller is reluctant or refuses then I would just walk away as he or the car has something to hide. Cheers steve :)
  9. Wow, it sounds like it gets better! (Not!) hopefully this new issue gets sorted. If it were me I would not be returning there next year! Have you had a survey through from them yet? Normally you get to rate them. Cheers steve
  10. Hi Ash, welcome to the forum :) i do believe the cvt gearbox do have issues in the Audis and I believe they're best avoided.
  11. Hi Paul, welcome to the forum :) you'll find the members on here are a friendly bunch and will advise you where they can :) to be fair I haven't heard of the a6 being affected either. Sorry I can't help anymore. Cheers steve
  12. Nice one! There's a hell of a lot of work done there! Well done :) Would love to have this on our display stand! :D
  13. Welcome to the forum Jan :) youll find the members on here are a friendly bunch and will help you if you need advice :) i have to agree the older Audis had slightly better build quality but obviously that's not to say they are good cars :) the isle of white is a lovely place! Geat in this lovely warm weather :) cheers steve
  14. If it were me I would take it Audi for them to look at it. As I'm assuming at this stage they haven't seen it. I'm also assuming your TT has a long and valid MOT and if so I'd be looking to source a new doorcard before I get anyone to fit the old one. Have you got any pics of your interior? I can try and have a look and see if there are any on eBay. Cheers steve
  15. Welcome to the forum Andrew :) youll find the members on here are a helpful bunch :) however im unsure what the pope is for. Have you asked your local garage or Audi? Sorry I can't help as such cheers steve
  16. I would say keep pestering them! My mum has an issue with her gearbox and the manufacturer was denying there was an issue or that similar issues had been highlighted on other models. Needless to say with all then pestering we were right and the car had to have new synchro son gears 1st, 2nd and reverse as well as having a new clutch. The problems have all been resolved. What audi should be doing is getting their technicians to drive the car daily for them to see the fault. And if the dealer has admitted their is a delay then your best course of action would be to book it in and get a car from them to use in the mean time. Cheers steve
  17. Hi Alan, this seems to be a recurring problem now! I'm assuming you've not seen the recent info in the motoring press about this? Of course At this time VAG are denying that the upgrade causes mpg loss. Cheers steve
  18. Welcome to the forum Andrew :) I think it all depends on how you drive and where you drive. For example in areas with a lot of speedhumps then 25mm would be better. Normally though 35mm is the norm and would give you a really good ride. Have you asked h&r? They should be able to advise you as what's best for your type of driving. Hope iv helped :) cheers steve
  19. Welcome to the forum Simonne, sorry to hear your having issues. I'm surprised your local garage can't open it. You could take it to Audi? Or another suggestion could be to pop the lock with a piece of metal between the door and window glass. Don't know if this will work but it's worth a shot. Cheers steve
  20. Your welcome David :) iv always had turbos replaced at our local garage. You'll only need Audi for the more tricky computer stuff. If your local garage can't diagnose the fault
  21. Glad it could help :) no it certainly won't be I'm afraid. You'll probs be looking around £900-£1000 at a guess! Let us know how you get on. Cheers steve
  22. Day 5 - the journey home So, all good things must come to an end and today we made our way back to the U.K. However before we left Brussels we helped my sister move into her new accommodation just 10 minutes down the road. The car was packed to the rafters but the move went smoothly. We left Brussels at 12noon and headed for the euro shuttle (channel tunnel). We chose to come back via the tunnel for the experience and this inadvertently proved to be a great move. As we passed the junction for the Calais docks and ferry port the queue of cars were backed up on the skip road and in the slow lane of the a16 motorway! This compared to the tunnel significantly as we piled off at junction 42 for the tunnel and arrived at the check in gates in 5 minutes. As you pull up the gate automatically recognises the vehicle so you just have to select which train time you want. As we had made good time we were able to catch the 15:20 instead of the 16:16! Once your through you will arrive at French boarder control and security and then uk boarder control. After clearing border control you follow the road round to what looks like a motorway services and at which point the wait begins. Luckily we had only 8 minutes to wait till we were called to board our train. The boards are similar to what you would find in an airport, accept they are outside in the carpark! Once you get called for your train, you end up queuing in2 lines similar to if you were waiting to board a ferry. At this point our train was delayed due to an oil spill but I wasn't overally bothered as we were on an earlier train. Boarding the train is a straightforward affair and is similar to boarding a ferry. It is a tight squeeze to get into the carriage but it's nice and large once your inside. When on the train you have to leave your Windows down which is nice as the carriages are fully airconditioned. The journey is fairly smooth and only took half an hour to get through the tunnel. Oh and don't forget to put your clock back! Once you've cleared the tunnel it's a straightforward exit and onto the motorway for your journey home. Unfortunately for us we were using the dartford crossing which has chocker! But once we had cleared the tunnel it was plain sailing from there back to Leicester. Total miles covered: 1056.7 in 5 days car mileage: 322,573 And no issues presented during the trip! thanks for reading! :) cheers Steve
  23. Welcome to the forum David :) sorry to hear your having issues. When dan means having codes read, have you had the car plugged into a diagnostic machine? The machine will bring up any error codes which then signify what issues your car has. I would have to agree with Dan and would say it's the turbo. My sister had a similar issue with her Vw golf and basically the turbo had lost some of the blades from inside it. The blades had broken off due to age which meant it wasn't spinning properly and as such was affecting the power and acceleration. Hope iv helped cheers steve
  24. Exactly Trevor! This is why the better half and I take cruises!
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